RIP Warlocks

In general, clown.

You do realize the demo nerfs aren’t in pvp, yes?

I mean it wouldn’t surprise me at all that you have no idea what you’re talking about, but just want to be totally sure and also kinda rub it in.

Lets settle this like men. Orgrimmar in about an hour or so.

My comment on skill issue is still standing, champ.

You don’t last ten seconds.

He’s gotten that complaint before…


The Nerfs have already gone through in a hotfix , warlocks are still fine

I think he just outed his main.

I’m not impressed.

I hope you enjoyed your bugged abilities while it lasted for those two days.

I’m still playing as Demo summoning hordes of mobs to do my bidding.

Aff was fun for about 12 hours, but this and the talent adjustments pretty much kill it outside of raid.

But sadly for all the anti-lock types, our best spec wasn’t touched, so lmao.

That’s actually kind of sad if true because that means they have a forum account full of sock puppets

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I mean it makes sense when you’re an obnoxious cringeposter with no actual friends to back you up.

Like its completely on brand for’em.

The main problem with the nerfs is some of them are clearly based off of bad information.

Demo Aoe, for example, they are nerfing our profile, specifically the 1 min burst profile, which was the only reason we were competitive in the raid. This is even more concerning when you realize the nerf is doubled, since we also move out of the tier set.

Then we look at Dreadbite nerf, which is literally a ST ability, yet it was nerfed because of AoE.

If the devs actually knew anything about the spec, they’d know that dreadbite only does aoe when talented into Dreadlash, which itself buffs dreadbite by 10%. Logically this means simply removing the 10% damage gain from dreadlash would have been the proper course of action, as it nerfs the AoE, without touching an already mediocre ST.

I think the consensus is that the devs really don’t know how many of the games specs function, and this results in improper tuning, as Demo is clearly being tuned around Eranog, a fight that hyper inflated demos damage.


I assume mythic raz is what they are looking at, but aff is better on that fight lately, unless today’s changes just shift the balance that much.

Either way, the dev behind this is a moron.

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Literally unplayable.

See I don’t think they can really rely on raz since the damage amps during shield exist, and the damage amps just happen to line up with our CDs.

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Chad locks don’t play the overly op spec because they know it will get tuned down.

Kind of like chad rets like Savix who only like climb when their spec is doodoo.

Average out of touch wow player

I mean, I’ll keep playing demo regardless, but I’m not sure why going from bottom third dps to mid-pack warranted nerfing :man_shrugging:

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what happened?