RIP Pants of the Naaru

That tends to come from people who are deeply undesirable in real life and given that this is World of Warcraft we’re talking about, it is mostly men.

but the sjw will easily get the old whistle removed.


As a lesbian who is all into equality and all that liberal stuff, I am one of those women who likes to look at what im playing. I feel like companies should just adopt the philosophy you don’t like it, don’t use it and ignore it. You know the game you play, esp wow they don’t even over do the sloot mog, most… i say most came from classic and bc. Going back and changing it now I feel like is a form of sloot shaming, and people should have the right to choose.


Hi lesbian here, desirable in real life, don’t care if you believe me and I don’t feel i need to flaunt my looks, in or out of game, don’t need a pretty character to feel better about myself as a person or get extra attention. I like the sexy things because i pay to play a character i want to enjoy what I’m looking at. I know for fact I’m not alone in that demographic, were not all just undesirable men. Sorry not sorry.


Censored for China…


lol your the one who doesn’t care, part of that no one that cares, and nice way to deflect though. See I am back because it’s something I care about. 12 days this time too because I am watching the issue I want resolved instead of just trolling how people should just find someplace else to go on the internet when it was already on wow since vanilla. I mean they made it so you can just xmog the chest pieces away now and have a bra. So yeah shame on us for wanting our xmog back.


I’m just tired of sexisim in games.

Suggesting the purpose of scanty outfits in games is to pander to lascivious horny males who are too ugly to get female company in real life is disgustingly sexist. I’ve met plenty of male gamers who are intelligent, attractive and have plenty of male and female friends IRL.

Having a variety of clothing choices is fun, and removing choices is removing fun, as it detracts from the role playing element of WoW. As a woman I enjoy role-playing male and female characters of all types, and see the aspersions against men freely playing a variety of characters of both genders as amusingly homophobic.

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Well, hello “big toes” :wink:

But yes, I too like the scantily clad lady mogs (both on my characters, as well as others.) It just makes the world a prettier place (just like in real life.)

I never bother anyone about it, in game or in real life, because I want them to continue to dress the way they like.

This was a VERY odd change. It makes even less sense because there are lots of similar “revealing” looks.


Thank you for complementing my fascinating feet. We trolls follow the ancient instructions of the Sama Kutra for enlarging our enticing appendages. Simply rub them with honey and plunge them into a wasp nest each night and they will be made as magnificent as my tremendous turquoise toes.

Well, that’s what we lady trolls do.

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This is the first time I’ve ever read something like this. Honestly it’s always been “Men are evil” or some variation there of.

It’s oddly, refreshing.

Well, as a cis female I did find it offensive that my bikini mog is being called a sl*t mog by the guys and the other women gamers.

Its not a slot mog, its very “xena warrior princess” if you ask me. Bet you wouldn’t call her armor names, to her face :wink:

Maybe in this case they said sl*t mog one too many times? You have to remember kids play here too.

Then again it may just be a bug. haha

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I mean, it’s mostly just the term for it. That’s the name it was given to more revealing mogs.

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I think the item has been fixed?
I’m not sure, but the mustard-coloured lower leg stocking is gone.

Is there a before and after? Dafuq is all this harlot crying for?

I’ve always used the terms Armorkinis or skimpy mogs.




They were fixed on the PTR last I checked, hopefully they return to normal when the patch drops.


Gender equality! The way it was before…yeah…they should’ve made it look like that for men, too. :frowning:

That’s fair. The term I’ve most commonly heard is the more offensive one, so that’s what I default to. No offense is ever really meant by it. I do however tend to call them skimpy mogs myself.

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Isn’t there a crafted black mageweave pants that has the same look?

I pay those floozies good gold. the least they can do is wear an appropriate sloot mog.

No, the Pants of the Naaru had a unique, mostly naked appearence to it.

Spiritshroud Leggings got a reverse, skimpier bug to em at the same time the Naaru pants got bugged, so they stood in for an almost acceptable alternative if you were lucky enough to have them already (removed item).