I’m Dave, i think you have me mistaken.
I think there’s a leather transmog for underwear so it does exist.
cartoon characters wear clothes now?
They can i suppose. George Jetson did.
What would we do without the lame Karens that ruin everything with censoring and political correctness.
It’s a videogame. The internet can satisfy whatever desire you have. Nobody outside a handful of people care about the 2mm difference the pants have. Its really just a get over it issue.
Oh boy! More censorship of sexyness because “men are evil and sexist” that all the developers seem to believe these days. It always amounts to making women cover up, though. It’s like they go around shouting “cover up, harlot” at all of the female characters in the game, because women being seen as sexy and desirable is “offensive” to their weak sensibilities. Gag.
Uh… they’re just black mageweave pants that show more leg?
Sure, bugs should be fixed, but this seems like making a lake out of a drop of water when now the item it’s just uglier black mageweave pants.
At least those one pants from the Pandaren venders still exist. The ones that only cover your knees.
I probably shouldn’t have said that and drawn attention to it…
I feel you’re severely overthinking this.
The pants look glitchy, the texture seems similar to one of the recolors of black mageweave.
It ain’t that deep.
I don’t like skimpy mogs but this just looks weird. ~https://i.imgur.com/mCDXqSD.png
Like they had an accident in their pants and it got all over.
They will stop at nothing. In wow Classic, they changed the appearance of that girl in Tanaris at the race track. She now wears something much more prude and covering than in original vanilla. (so much for “no changes”)
They went full Anita Sarkeesian.
Yea its a pretty petty thing to do.
I care dammit. I care.
obviously there is a community who care about how their characters look. you obviously dont and are just trolling, like why are you even here. You dont care we get it, move on.
huh what now ?? /frantically searches mop…
These. They are basically underwear, with knee coverings.
Daisy? NOT Daisy!!!
What does she look like now?
I shall step in to fill the void! Just point me to Naarus nekkid legs.
Tells me to move on… responds to a 5 day old post. Ok.
Which… makes absolutely no sense, given Valeera’s smoking hot new model that shows her rump, thighs, and hips, in addition to well-detailed cleavage of her plump breasts.
Gotta love that selective SJW censorship!