RIP Mindgames?

I’m fine with losing Mind Games honestly but not for it to be replaced with CS and the 2% DR for 2 points. People have made a fair point about Phantom Reach so I concede on that.

i am not finding losing it Because we got crap as a replacement. The shadow side of the class tree is already pathetic IMO. And now these changes is another slap to face.

The number of damaging nodes in your class tree is irrelevant though, completely.

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You get your Shadow flavor from the Shadow tree. Class trees help define you as a Priest.

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and priest is not only light magic.
Basic priest has some shadow magic introduced. It’s not all sparkles and light.
your statement is also voided by spec defining abilities/passives given to us in the class tree. Ill state some as we go.

We have 3 talents on the shadowy side of the class tree all for SWD. We don’t need to waste 3 slots for this.

we didn’t also need to waste 3 slots for mind games either, but the replacement for it is just a slap to the face.

Vampiric Embrace is a SPEC defining ability put in to the class tree so your statement is already voided there.

Crystalline reflection was a DISC legendary in shadowlands. Another ability to void your statement.

In last beta we had a short period of testing the MIND BLAST preventing dmg from enemy on all specs. That talent was better than what we got by a long shot. Would of been better option to bring that back.

the point I am making is that there are way better options and routes we could have taken. These are not good, period. Just lazy.

They only get 2-3 months to design your class for the expac. And this is for every class and spec we have in this game… its pathetic.

Agreed that the implementation can be better. But the Class tree shouldn’t be where you feel you’re getting any benefit to your spec, it should be where you feel you’re getting benefit as a Priest. As you say, a Priest has some access to Shadow spells, not just Shadow Priests. Just as Shadow Priests have access to some healing. This is where Cauterizing Shadows fits right in for Shadow. How it is all balanced is a different discussion.

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Found it for you.

Mind Restrain: Mind Blast prevents a small amount of damage dealt by the enemy. Two Rank Talent.

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But it doesn’t benefit priests as a whole, only one or some of the specs…

A good amount of the talents here does not benefit the class as a whole. And that theme idea plagues the majority of the classes.

There is no excuse for this bad design every expac

sank you!

Manipulation feels a bit too weak for a 2 point investment. Only -1/2% reduction is way too low. If it was like 2/4% I think it’d be more worth it.

Cauterizing Shadows feels like it’d be very strong for Disc due to how Penance spreads Purge the Wicked around for free.


Big agree. The point investment in the area of the tree when trying to grab Phantom Reach is (ironically enough) very hard to reach— and expensive. I think Priests on the whole for every tree need the treatment other classes have been getting where many 2–3-point talents are being changed to 1 pointers… but that would require them to actually make noticeable changes to Priest trees and we seem to be getting the short end of the development stick unfortunately.