RIP cara dune

More like 0.000001% the wow pop at best lol.

Begone, soft grifter.

The “old guard” has caved on just about every single issue that they’re supposed to uphold.

Calling anyone else immoral while propping up the party of perpetual war is the epitome of how completely backwards the “old Republicans” are.

“At least we kill innocent brown people instead of scare cowards that send our children into baseless wars!”

You weak centrists are the ones that will follow turtle man into the sea to heed the call of Israel at the sake of your own damn nation.

So, Gen Z and MIllenials have no moral and are power hungry ?

AM I reading this right ?

Fam, your time is done, it’s Z and Mill time to shine, get out now.

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Well atleast they never attacked the capitol because they lost an election they just suppressed the vote and tried again next time.