RIP cara dune

Man hilter loved them drugs and sleep ins

Apparently they didn’t let him know the Americans were doing D day because everyone was too scared to wake him up

“Hate and violence” are terrible things, but I think a society has gone too far when certain groups of people insist on what pronouns others can and cannot use.

so far - the tables will start turning

they didn’t get rid of her.

she had no future work scheduled with them.

it’s not as if they created more stuff for her to do, and then fired her.

Well that doc he had gave him a mix of laxatives drugs he apparently snapped out of his depression and crapped himself before going off the deep end paranoia.

I don’t think so.

We’re in the degenerate empowerment phase of a civilization. Usually this kind of thing happens at the end of these great societies.

Keep dreaming buddy.

There is a list of pronouns and possessive adjectives available on the LGBTQIAAP+ website for you and all people willing to become educated and empathetic on the very serious subject matter.

I just go with Human or if that offends sentient being.

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Yes, we are all humans; however, intolerance breeds hate, Dear.

Not intolerant you can call yourself whatever you like in the end I don’t care what you do just keep it in the bedroom like everyone else.

But will you admit that there is no law stating that I have to use these pronouns?

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Blah blah blah paradox of tolerance blah blah “society is better if hateful people allowed to hate because hating them just creates more haters”… as if the idea of punitive justice and deterrence is not what our entire justice system is built upon.

It cracks me up that people come onto these forums and believe they’re actually breaking new ground.

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I identify as a night elf mohawk.

That is interesting. I was watching a video from a financial type that was also predicting the end of the ‘greatness’ of the US due to uncontrolled quantitative easing (biden and company policies) and the likelihood of rampant inflation as a result.

The Incel Insurrectionists were chanting “hang mike pence.”

If anyone is coming after Republicans, it is their hard right MAGA flank.


Imma stop you right there. Don’t care who you voted for or which side you catch for, but I happen to notice you threw out the old, tired, inaccurate quip about fox news. Just a pro-tip so you don’t sound silly in the future, but Fox is the same thing as CNN or whatever. All comes from the same sources and overlords. So to say someone isn’t as informed due to that particular source, well well… understand you get your info from the same well everyone else took a wizz in.

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When one economic system ends another begins

You are literally the embodiment of Idiocracy. Every word of your statement is factually false.

She really should have read her contract. Most high profile actors/directors/etc have clauses in their contracts regarding their behavior in public (including online).


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