Rings of Power on Prime

“Strong female lead” != strong female lead/character.

That problem is the ambition of Bezos and Amazon, he wants to reflect or obtain the same feminine spectacle that Peter Jackson had after a single scene, only he wants to see the ridiculous forced that the Russo Brothers did with Avengers: End Game so that later The Boys will ridicule in a single scene the pathetic and forced.

She only had a special role that is applauded now and showing a simplicity and tenderness that is the first thing that all women in entertainment have to show before showing a forced meaningless female empowerment.

It is the same thing that happens with the new Galadriel, an image seen in Gretha Thunberg (same with Jaina ELSAGRETHANOS in BfA) with her phrase How dare you and that, along with a cheap copy of Milla Jovochi’s Joan of Arc armor, simply poor and robbed of creativity.

And therein lies the problem, also the same mistake that happened with Captain Marvel, worse than a Marie Sue, she is a character who will step on anyone who is not in her line, no matter if it is bad or good, and worse if it is a man in which he discriminates even 3 times more than it was in the past that they supposedly mention.

It has always annoyed me when shows are supposed to be based on a book but abandon the source material and simply write their own story. Sometimes the resulting story is good, sometimes not so much, but if the lore isn’t followed why use the title and names from the original?

Obviously, a movie can’t totally tell the exact story, and obviously the OP is asking about the production as it is being made judged on its own merits, but the abandonment of the lore in movies does lessen my enjoyment of those movies where I happen to be invested in the original.

I wasn’t very fond of Blade Runner for instance but may have liked it more if I hadn’t read the book.

I did enjoy the LotR movies but was somewhat annoyed by parts, like the whole Helms Deep story as I thought the original story was much superior to the movie story.

Back on subject; I don’t care what race any of the actors are, this isn’t based on a historical novel it is fantasy, for many of the characters I don’t see that changing the gender even matters, but ignoring 75% or more of the base source material does make it harder for me to enjoy.

The kin slaying, the curse it causes, the quest for the Silmarils and the vow of Fëanor and his sons, the burning of the ships and the northern trek of the following Elves … abandoning these elements in the beginning of the story means that much of the rest can’t follow the lore. And reducing Galadriel to nothing but a soldier just doesn’t make much sense.

It may turn out to be a great show and I hope it does, but I’m likely not going to be watching it going forward.


And that the series has a depressing advertising campaign compared to what Peter Jackson did when he gave the Lord of the Rings movie as he says in this part of the video.

unlike this crap of actors that only shows the series as a loaded artifact full of political propaganda.

You want another example that a series with themes of diversity and inclusion succeeds, while these series are going to fail.

Well, we have the MOBA LoL Arcane series, whose end showed something of what is the plot point of the story based on the roots where it comes from, that is, through its video game.

I liked the intro and the music. But the overt contradictions to Tolkien’s Middle-Earth in the name of inclusivity really spoiled it for me


It was terrible.


Not much of a fan of it. I don’t outright dislike it but I didn’t like it enough to watch more.

Which is sad, because I was looking forward to it.

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Its not a bad show but i cant get into it since it one episode a week lol… im gonna watch it in 5 weeks when all the season is out

Obviously of course the Pretentious Haters have focused on this show big time, nitpicking all the tiny details trying to show how smart they are. I guess they’re getting bored trashing GoT season 8 and are looking for fresh meat. So far for me the show has been excellent, good story, the writers have been pretty faithful to Tolkien’s vision, and the visuals have been stunning, especially Khazad-Dum, I was wishing to see the great Dwarven Kingdom in its glory days ever since I saw the ruins in Fellowship, and they did not disappoint. I’m looking forward to more.


I think we’ve kind of gotten used to full seasons of shows releasing all at once over the last few years and become spoiled because I feel you on this. I’m NOT a fan of them releasing new episodes at the same time across the globe. I’m over 40 now and my body doesn’t like it when I stay up to watch a new episode if it’s not even gonna start until midnight :unamused:

Yea i get it… i mean its 2022, we have streaming services, if it was on TV and you get one episode a week thats fine … but they are just trying to get the most out of the show and trying to get more money out of the subs

Right now, I’m just watching it for the visuals, though it pains me to be supporting this kind of crap. Seeing Numenor was pretty cool last episode, though Meneltarma was too tall and should have been more volcanic-looking.

No. It looks great, but it’s hardly faithful, and the dialogue is terrible. House has at least improved each week from the opener.

Please don’t tell me you liked GoT season 8.


Liked it, loved it, have the entire season on Blu-Ray. And fortunately for you this is a monitored board so I’m not at liberty to give you my unedited feelings about those who act like they’re more intellectually gifted than me because of it.

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Like what you want to like, no one cares. But you’re in a tiny minority about that debacle, I mean season of GOT.

Actually I’m part of the vast majority, the haters are loud but not nearly as big as they so arrogantly like to think

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It’s really cute that you think the vast majority loved season 8. Quite delusional as well.

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