Righteous Orbs no longer dropping

Being better than anyone wouldn’t have effected you anyway.

Maybe they don’t want that 1% to even exist? Did you think about that before?

If anyone in this thread actually cares about the change to an item in a game that you’re throwing this much of a fit, then you need to log out and go outside or do anything else.

Waawaaa someone has something you don’t have waaa waaa

Anyone with the crusader enchant should be banned from the game and sentenced to 25 years of hard labor in a gulag in Siberia


Screwing over players because they were too incompetent to check what drops righteous orbs is not a solution. Imagine the developer taking accountability instead of just punishing the player base every time they screw up.

This is an objectively good change.

WCL is invalidating crusader parses, so everyone can calm down.

Probably 0.01% of players got the enchant.

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literally nothing? WCL already removed crusader from their logs. If you have the enchant you cant parse.

So… congrats?

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Parse monkeys revealing themselves in droves.


Wild how that if someone wants to spend their time doing something that doesn’t hurt anyone, everyone is an uproar. -anyone- that was mad about them being in the game belongs with the rest of the karens on facebook playing farmville. If someone wants to be a degenerate and farm something for hours on end, so be it. If you don’t want that, don’t do it. people just want to be upset about the dumbest ish

I have to be honest here, This group of devs has been some of the most clueless and out of touch in recent memory.

From the same minds that brought you incursions giving only a select few a thousand gold, we bring you…“Now only a few people get the crusader enchant for the rest of the phase.”

Please enlighten the rest of us, what exactly was going to be the problem with people taking 90+ hours to farm crusader enchant? What was the big boogeyman the devs were so affraid of that they jumped on and hotfixed this? You certainly don’t show the same urgency for ANYTHING game breaking that matters like broken runes/quests/items/gear/talents etc etc.


It respawns in 3 minutes if you kill the guards too.

Calling it 4 minutes and assuming you get all the tags you could have averaged 15 kills an hour on the group, or at 2%, two orbs in 6-7 hours.

Not fun in my book but also not something they should have changed.

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This…the power spike from crusader was not in any way gamebreaking enough to warrant a change…or even remotely close. What’s worse now is that anyone who got it gets to keep it.

My lord they just make blunder after blunder


How do any of you have a job still


No one was mad…except the devs apparently.


Same 4 bots on my friends list from phase 1 STILL in game despite multiple reports.
But that’s ok, you go on ahead and remove an item drop without fixing this garbage.
Please try and convince me Blizzard isn’t making money off of botting without convincing me.


Okay, so the “monkeys” wont have it… so what are you so concerned about lol

Blizzard increasing the value of the existing orbs for no reason.

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Arbitrarily locking off content has been one of the biggest consistent missteps for SoD.
People should be encouraged to engage in above level content for good rewards.


There is also zero consistency. Hunters can make thousands farming patterns from 58 elites but the rest of us get cut off.

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