Right Click Report - Not Going Away

3oclock High

That was such a good movie.

underrated gem, so many little movies like that.

Just use the ignore button. A few tilted individuals should not decide who gets neglected rights to speak or play the game.


I like how everyone agreed you were trolling, and the guy that called you out got his post flag-hidden. A perfect example of RCR at work.


It’s already too late after I have to ignore someone, the squelch is motivation for them not to say whatever they said in the first place. And it’s not a few individuals you need a decent number of reports to get squelched.

LOL you were SO that kid that never showed up in the parking lot. :smile:

Here endeth the lesson.

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gotta make sure people get punished for wrongthink.

this kind of crap makes me sick.


Twiink!! Now I want to watch Breakfast Club!!!

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Greatest movie of ALL TIME. :grin:

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Nope but what people should be punished for is breaking the TOS, ignore does not do that.

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Again, RCR simply needs to remove the auto-squelch. Temp-ignore and making those reported higher in priority to GMs for action is really the best course of action.

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aye that i agree with.

I would change it from a full squelch to just something that hides their text so most people see something like <…> that they can click to expand the text.

Then let individuals choose how restricted they want things to be. So you might have options like fully hide comments from squelched people, hide text but allow me to expand out text, don’t hide any text from squelched people etc… And provide the options for different channels, IE world chat, whispers etc…

That keeps the system in place for people who are fine with it and let’s the people who don’t like it ignore it.

Not gonna bother scrolling up, but was it the guy who told me to go back to Berkeley and then in the next breath inferred that I was a not see?

I like that suddenly it is OK for your lot to call someone a troll because they are expecting people to back up claims, to be factual, and that I give my opinion. Irony/hypocrisy at it’s best.


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I mean I don’t like trolls as much as the next guy but really too late? Do you just cover your eyes when you walk outside into the world and hope you never see or hear anything mean or scary? With an aggressive rogue play style, I don’t want to be oppressed from logging in by people who don’t like banter or in game antics. (ie pvp, stealing nodes, camping the opposing faction) It just takes ONE thing you do, to make ONE person mad enough, to then get ‘a decent number’ of guild mates spamming ‘reported’ until the AI ban-bot decides that enough people have said you’re a bad person and therefore banned/squelched.


You cannot be banned by rcr directly.


But but scare scare!


Bans happen if a GM decides you should be banned. Squelch just means you get muted for a time by several people RCRing you. Don’t confuse these two things.


It just makes me sick Jim, sick to my stomach. It makes me so sick that I’m going to keep playing the game and grind my Heart of Azeroth to 53.

It’s sickening, I tell ya.