Right Click Report - Not Going Away

But but scare scare!


Bans happen if a GM decides you should be banned. Squelch just means you get muted for a time by several people RCRing you. Don’t confuse these two things.


It just makes me sick Jim, sick to my stomach. It makes me so sick that I’m going to keep playing the game and grind my Heart of Azeroth to 53.

It’s sickening, I tell ya.

What a train wreck. Infinitely expanding the ignore list is still clearly the best option. Can even give it options like ignore for 10 mins, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, permanently. If you’re worried about gold spam, turn RCR into a gold seller only report function and punish people who report those who aren’t selling gold.

I don’t think we need 4 different versions of ignore. A permanent ignore and a temp ignore (RCR without the squelch). Keep it simple.

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Yeah but I still want to be able to see things that you might report someone for. That’s the problem. I don’t want you and a few other people deciding that for me. How hard is it to grasp this concept?

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“Without the squelch.” I’m not sure you’re seeing this part.

Ignore and InfiniteIgnore would stop you from seeing what those people are saying. InfiniteIgnore could remove an entire guild from your chat box.

If you choose to ignore someone, you’re not seeing them until you remove the ignore.

Yeah I missed that part. Problem with RCR and no auto squelch is you still get the gold seller spam so you have to report and ignore right? That’s why a gold seller report would be ok… even if it has squelch, but punish people for miss-using it.
I’d actually rather have more customisation with my ignores, like i said, timed ignores. Someone might just be saying annoying crap but I don’t want to ignore them forever.

I think he meant have RCR auto /ignore but have it be temporary if you want to permignore you would need to do that manually. at least that is how I read his post.

Either way. Make that for gold sellers only and let me have full control over the other people I choose to see or not, and for how long I ignore them.

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I’m confused, are you advocating for the removal of the squelch or the removal of Blizzard’s chat violation rules?

Option 2. I think the EULA is far too restrictive and/or not particularly well defined. That and I’d prefer to be able to decide for myself what I see.

You can. Don’t use ignore, and everyone who hasn’t been slapped down by the community will be visible. If they have been slapped down they’ll just be whining in Guild and Party. They won’t actually be saying anything in General that you can’t see.

Ahhh, that’s fine by me. Although I don’t think there’s any chance that Blizzard will significantly lessen their rules on profanity/vulgar language.

Eloraell, no matter how many times I say that I’d prefer not to have other people decide who I see or not, you still say stuff like “everyone who hasn’t been slapped down by the community will be visible.” “Community” seems to be a euphemism for “thin-skinned people who can’t deal with just ignoring people and insist that nobody else can see what they say either.” That includes general chat.
I know being an authoritarian gives you a rush, but it sucks for a lot of other people.

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I think it’ll get worse before it gets better.

No matter how many times I say I never used RCR, you really seem to think its me doing the slapping down.

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You’re “authoritarian adjacent”.

No, I’m “Realist Enabled”.

Then enable the idea in your head that expanded ignore functions is better.

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