Rework the Horde banner

Citate No 82 you can see it referenced.

Are you trolling or being serious?
The quote you’re referencing is Chris Metzen laughing off the fact that the Horde symbol is just some cool tribal thing


You mean where he sarcastically takes someone’s theory and says, “Uh… yeah! It’s always been that well thought out!”

It was a joke.



After all the work that was done in Azshara? :coin:

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Well the lousy Goblins built it sideways anyway.

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It is still better on aexplanation then literally having nothing. I rather be Naaru thing then shamans being too primitive to figure anyhting out on their own.

Yeah, too much mushroom pizza that night.

And not official canon. So you’re upset over nothing. Again.


Until they say something else I take it. So let us figure out something better okay?

There’s nothing to figure out. There is no big huge background story given by Blizzard.

Moving on.


It won’t happen. :dracthyr_tea:

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The Alliance symbol is the lion of Stormwind and the Lordaeron “L”. I take it and say we need more then just Naaru influence to be a grand and proud faction.

It’s not Naaru influence. Someone made it up and you keep spouting it as gospel. It’s not. Done and done. Muting thread.

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It is legit until Blizzard says otherwise.

Isn’t there a giant Naaru fortress (Oshu’gun) in Nagrand that attracts Orc souls after death?


Oof, looks like someone never ran Sunwell.

Also just because the draenie weeb over the naaru doesn’t make them an alliance thing.


And we don’t have Lions in the Eastern Kingdoms :dracthyr_tea:

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Good point…

All wild warcraft lions I’ve seen are in the barrens, which is horde territory.

That means the alliance should relinquish their symbol for us.

They could replace it with a squirrel or something, who cares?

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yes and Ner’zhul and Drek’thar found out eventually how fake their religion was that the orcs spirits going there was not a natural thing.

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No, he isn’t. Not if he knows what’s good for him, that is.

holding a handful of holy fire

ExCUSE me?!

flings the holy fire, and follows it up with a smite