Rework Enhance - This is sad

The class is an absolute mess. My god. How long does this go on for?


If you’re referring to prepatch, it’s irrelevant


I think the design is fine overall, but Currently in BGs at least, damage is very low in my experience. My undergeared alts often do more damage than my fully geared Enhance shaman and my healing usually ends up close to or higher than my damage running a Stormstrike/ physical build with DRE and Stormweaver. The healing is good but damage is definitely lacking.


we just got a rework with in the last few expansions so dont hold your breath. And besides a lot of us like how enhance plays. Its 100000000% better than legion and BFA version of enhancement.


i think you are exaggerating

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Enhance doesn’t need a rework. The three extra talent points are what we needed.


Come tomorrow the version from the Beta will be live. That talent tree is good, and the 3 points we will get back is a huge change for Enhancement.

I do fee some QOL can be done for Hero talents, but those can be adjusted through the expac. As for moving into TWW, Enhance will be ok.

I really like the changes they made to enhance. Super fun. Just saying things are a mess doesn’t help blizz make changes you want. You have to talk about what you don’t like.

So looking at the op’s history he has been complaining about button bloat for Enhancement shamans. Apparently there are too many buttons for him to press.


Which is entirely true of enhancement, specifically elementalist build. This is a very very common complaint about enhancement. It’s also getting worse in TWW, especially if you go totemic elementalist. There is a reason the rotation is described as jazz piano whackamole. If Stormbringer storm build isn’t viable, can easily happen since it’s damage is HEAVILY tied to tempest, you’ll see a lot more people complaining about rotation bloat and the enhancement population plummet because who wants a 14 button rotation while having to manually place a totem down every 24s?


Are you talking about a pvp, or pve or just in general the bloat.

Reason I am asking is a lot of people make these post but are only talking about one specific segment like pvp so I just take to asking which are they talking about.

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Too many buttons?


some classes have more buttons, some have less.

If he wants a class that’s a little simpler 
 maybe he should try ret Paladin or marksman hunter.


I love the reaches from you all who continue to complain about this

You can also 1:1 replace the wft bind with surging, so it getting “worse” is also wrong.

tempest itself has nothing to do with the strength of storm vs elementalist.
that being said, storm/storm is only a very minor amount ahead of ele/storm in preliminary sims, so do with that what you will lmao


Bro we’ve seen you demonstrate that you had no idea how to actually play Elementalist during DF and a large part of your button bloat complaint is “CoNfLiCtInG PrIoRiTiEs” and trying to play modern wow without WA. Just reroll at this point please. Your room temp takes are slowing the class down.

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First off, conflicting priorities is an issue with the class and does make it clunkier than it needs to be, but that is not a large part of my and so many others complaints on button bloat. My main complaint on button bloat is that we have far too many buttons for the average player. The conflicting priorities is a design mechanic issue that can be fixed without fixing bloat, it can also be fixed while fixing bloat. It’s two separate issues, the worse of the two being bloat.

This from someone who can’t admit they were wrong because they count to 14. Funny you don’t mention that one lol.

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This is the most fun Enhancement has been in years. Elementalist build is incredible with either set of hero talents.


Well let’s look at what happened when storm was no longer viable during S2, Enh went from 6%-7% to 2-3%. Maybe that’s because people picked up evoker or maybe they didn’t enjoy elementalists bloat and instead moved over to ret.

You’ll have to explain what you mean. If you’re talking about making it @player that doesn’t solve the issue. Surging used to work where you didn’t need to place it, it dropped on your location and it cast on your target. It worked great for us. They changed it so you need to place it for resto shaman. Even if you change it to @player you’ll have situations where you would want to cast it ahead of you, like a tank pulling packs. Yes you can use totemic prjection to move it, but then we got more buttons. Casting at your current location leaves them being pulled out. So you would want either 2 binds. Also the placing isn’t why it’s getting worse(doesn’t help), we now have more buttons is why it’s getting worse. Feral lunge, Surging totem, sundering and more stormstrike use are all being tossed into the rotation if you go totemic.

You’re second point I feel like you missed my point. My point is that Stormbringer, not storm, is heavily tied to tempest damage to be viable and any nerfs to tempest can dramatically change that. That goes for both Storm/storm or ele/storm. Storm only does really well with Stormbringer, so if stormbringer isn’t viable then you’re pushed into totemic where, correct me if I’m wrong, elementalist/totemic is currently the most viable. Hopefully Blizzard doesn’t do something weird/bad with tempest/stormbringer, but they’ve done more illogical things so it is a very real possibility.

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It isn’t an issue if you know how the play the spec. Stop feelycrafting and learn how the play the spec properly then come back.


yeah its the drooling 1 button spec going out the window and not the loss of enhs practically meta m+ spot from s1, surely. Pretty large reach.


It works awfully, yes. Totemic is of extremely poor design. That’s not what you talked about, in terms of binds it’s literally just swapping wft and surging. It’s 1:1. If you weren’t already using projection, that’s your own fault.

I didn’t know “more stormstrike use” meant you had to make more than 1 bind for it that’s some really high level stuff there.
Surging totem is still 1:1 with wft.
Lunge isn’t rotational and likely rarely used, meh.

So yeah, really gaining a lot here wow (not at all).

the hero tree is dependent upon its flagship hero talent, yeah

but sure, this might be the one legitimate point in that I misunderstood what you wrote. And yeah, elementalist totemic is better than storm totemic. The use of totemic would be a much more prominent reason for people to leave enh than just the use of the elementalist build, which is still the favored subspec by most people.

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Just realized you meant Windfury totem and not going into keybinds in wtf folder lol.

The fact that it was a drooling 1 button spec proves that a decent portion of Enh players like easier rotations. Also Enh lost meta M+ spot well before S2, at least 2 months. It was still good but Havoc, Shadow, Sub, and Later Ret took over.

Many people who played elementalist didn’t bind stormstrike because it’s damage wasn’t great(0.5%-0.75% overall) and the benefits didn’t outweigh another keybind. So yeah it’s another bind for average players.

M+ elementalist didn’t use WFT in most builds so it’s not 1:1. Now for raid yeah, but in raid you also dropped other abilities like crash lightning when warranted. It could also be slotted in a less prominent/utility keybind or even clicked because it’s damage was meh so missing a few seconds wasn’t a huge deal. Surging totem is a good chunk of our damage so it needs to be in a prime keybind.

Lunge while not rotational is still something you’ll need in a keybind so you can hit it quickly. Given the mechanics spam in TWW it will be used often enough to warrant it.

Sunder- before most didn’t pick this up, now with more free talent points and the changes to stuns/casting it will be.

The problem is it’s too dependent. It’s what 20% of the damage? And with them not figuring out that elemental and Enh operate differently but trying to balance tempest for both I fear it gets hit with a nerf that drops stormbringer into F tier. Could be something dumb like it now takes 50 MSW to proc it or just a 20% damage nerf with no compensation buffs. I honestly believe enhances damage profile is too top heavy(spenders and now hero talents), but that’s a discussion for another time.