Revert PVP system changes back to Vanilla's

I feel that, people do love to put others down… but to be honest I have also been pretty upset at AV rankers in the past. Not necessarily because I felt like they were bad players or anything like that, because lets be real the R14 grind has never really been about skill.

It was mostly that their way of playing the game was actively blocking me from reaching my goals. This new system alleviates that issue for me, so I’m excited for the next fresh to see how it plays out. They can spend all the time in AV they want, I’ll be running around in Warsong :sunglasses:


They’re really mad about this aren’t they. When the op said you have to socialize he actually meant you have to bow down to whatever group of discord psychos are currently running the mafia and wait your turn (which will never come, peasant)

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I mean, AV has been a go to for honor for pretty much most of my WOW experience and people did WSG/AV to noob stomp once geared, this happened way before classic 2019. WSG without a timer was always an issue and not everyone plays optimal times to form full premades in reasonable times. I think the original AV changes were made because one faction could get to the other side of the map faster and that was a ways back.

Bots were always a part of and a problem in AV, Again they’ve implemented things to curb it like reporting systems, but it never really sticks.

I also Don’t see how this will affect PVE, this late in the phases and since most raids are GDKP with carriers, I really dont for-see a great surge in new guilds farming raids progressively NON GDKP all of a sudden.

Outside of killing the same bosses over again faster, isn’t a big part of gearing up a toon so you can stomp people in some form of pvp? This is coming from a very casual player of course.

Yeah, people say that a lot too and I’ve never said that ranking alone was personally.

Although I think things like social skills and networking skills are and should also be really important in an MMO game. I find it astounding how a lot of people place no value on these actual, real-world skills. If this was a different genre of game fine, but it’s not. Even though you’ll have a way better time overall if you have them. I’ve said this a lot here and no one ever comments on it.

I do know this is what people are actually mad about, the other stuff just gets said to mask the core concern. However, I’ve been lucky because I’ve had mostly good experiences with ranking and the other people involved. Although Barman Shanker ranking was pretty bad.

If you can achieve a goal that you couldn’t before then great.


The post from Lazmanx was spot on.

Although some people had bad experiences. Sorry if that was you.

My man, which discord mafia were you a part of? You’re in every single thread trying to revert these changes to the absolute worst system possible. I don’t know or care who lazmax is, I don’t read through every single reply on every single thread like mister 10k post count. Every single person not in the mentally ill discord servers had a bad experience, from mass reporting to paying equally mentally ill players to camp them in the open world if they dared step out of line. You people are actually insane, please stop replying to me since I don’t want to develop whatever psychosis you suffer from via osmosis

Why don’t you get all your friends to mass report me like the good old days when someone dared get one too many honorable kills

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Earthfury on both sides. People got along great for the most part. Awesome server, that’s why I’ll have a toon on here until the Era server is shut off.

Yeah, it’s one of my favorite topics. I haven’t really been trying to revert anything because so many people liked the change, I’ve just been giving feedback.

Also, I have a hobby of going onto the forums and I’ve kept my same proflle for four years so the post count builds up. What are your hobbies? I’m sure I think some of those are gigantic wastes of time too.

The post from lazmax is in this thread. It’s a good read but it requires having an attention span.

After reading your post I can see why you had problems. You might want to work on your social skills. That will help you get ahead in real life too so it’s a win-win.

For real, if it took this for you to finally get your rank after these Era servers have been online for four years, awesome.

And no I’ll reply to who I want. My profile is not hidden and you can put me on ignore so you can read posts from only those like you.

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Why would I care about being courteous to some psycho who’s mad he lost the little bit of power he had, being in a 15 year old game? Very sad. Like I said, feel free to get your friends to mass report me like the good old days when you absolute nobodies scrambled every week to make sure someone among your ranks got that pretty purple gear. Social skills don’t involve sitting on the wow forums all day every day, checking each and every reply to each and every one of your 10 THOUSAND (lmao) posts.

Yeah, the cheeto enjoyers are mad they don’t have any control over who gets R14 anymore.

They are positively livid.

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There was no plan to and I never did that anyway.

My reply to you was to say that it was a shame that you had a bad experience. It wasn’t mean in any way.

Your response was to go on an assault on me out of nowhere. You don’t know me but you sure say a lot of things.

I haven’t had any “power” for years in the sense of WoW Classic PVP and really never did. I mostly just tried to helped people. Even if you don’t see it like that.

… and geez going on about a post count again. Dude, THE FORUMS ARE A HOBBY FOR ME. I have no shame over an innocent hobby.

Although if you need to take your anger from somebody else at me then I’m ok with it. :person_shrugging:

All fair points, but consider this.

Blizzard intended for the person who could get the most honor per week to wind up being R14.

The original implementation launch in Vanilla even awarded a special tabard to the top honor earners (one Horde, one Alliance) per server and the top overall won an Nvidia graphics card.

Everything you are describing, while accurate, is player created ways of gaming the system and picking and choosing who gets what. In the strictest sense the hypothetical R9 is doing nothing wrong and playing the system exactly as it was designed.

There was actually a player in Vanilla who held onto R14 for 5 months denying everyone on Alliance side the chance because he could play an obscene amount and the bracket people couldn’t stop him. Terrible obviously but also completely within the rules and design of the system

There was never a mafia dude. You don’t know wtf you’re talking about

A mafia can’t stop a player who grounded however much honor he wanted. The only thing they can do is choose to grind more than him. If they can’t then they aren’t a mafia

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"There was never a mafia dude. "

That’s a lie and everyone knows it, cry about it nerd hahahahah


I’ve already made a statement outlining why you noobs who cry “mafia” don’t know wtf you’re taking about.

Honor isn’t a scarce resource. You farm however much you are able to produce. Other people are unable to stop your production. That’s not mafia behavior.

The only thing people are able to do is outfarm you if they can. If they can’t, they’re not a mafia, they’re just people who can play more than you

You don’t understand how the old RP system worked at all. In any way. You won’t even be able to explain it to me in your next post


Why are you so mad about the changes then, you and your sweatlord degenerate discord friends cant mass report people for getting one too many HKS a week. That’s the only power you’ve ever had, isn’t it? Sad! Hahahahahah lol lmao

Who said I was mad about the changes?

Provide proof in a quote

Source?? Uhhh do you have a source??? What you want me to go through your post history you degenerate redditor? Aww, mass report me with all your sweaty friends again just like the good old ranking days, lmao

Because you can’t provide proof. You literally made that up.

I was all for changes for participation and I was right

I have never mass reported anyone. You are peojecting

However I was the victim of mass reports on numerous occasions. And it wasn’t a mafia either. It was a single player with 50+ accounts

It’s telling that you have to make stuff up to try to brew up an argument you have no proof for.

Noob. You have zero argument

“However I was the victim of mass reports on numerous occasions. And it wasn’t a mafia either. It was a single player with 50+ accounts”

Now who’s making stuff up? Lmao take your meds. Discord mafia is dead, and staying dead. Never coming back, you’ll never have that power back. Hope you enjoyed it sweatlord

What is a discord mafia?

Are you even able to define this term?

people can mass report people right now. So if that’s the case a discord mafia can’t die