Returning Unholy DK LF a guild to end bfa and go into shadowlands with

I’m returning to the game after a break from the game and I am looking for a guild to close out this expansion and go into shadowlands with.

I am not necessarily looking for a guild that wants to push towards CE every tier, but I’m not opposed it. I would say mostly I am just looking for a guild that clears heroic and goes into mythic casually trying to push as far as we can without stressing about it.

I have raiding experience going back years.

If you want to reach me my btag and discord info will be down below!

Btag: Desolation#11907
Discord: Desolation#1245

Still looking!!!

Lok’tar, Desolation!

Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde raids Fri/Sat 7-10 server central. We’re 4/12M with Shad down, and moving onto Hivemind this week.

We usually get mid-tier in Mythic, but would love to push as far as possible in the same manner you mentioned: low stress and having fun together.

I added you on bnet!

