Returning To A Covenant You Left

The covenants have been working together since day one.

Every day, they send us to go help the other covenants in the other zones. It’s been this way since the start of the expansion.

The “betrayer” thing is STUPID. Let it go. I’m sure it looked great on somebody’s whiteboard in initial expansion planning, but it makes ZERO story sense and is a huge pain in the butt for players.


will be good if they let us keep the renown and not be left behind.
if that will not happen ill get the flying then switch

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mmm yep pull the ricpord yeehaw


Where is my burn cream, i have it somewhere.


Since we all know you’re inevitably going to cave and let us switch without consequence in the end anyway, can you just go ahead and make that change now instead of dragging it out until months after the last patch of the expac?


Thanks. Good to know that the ripcord does exist


every covenant granted me it’s powers at the end of every zone. why can’t i use all the powers of every covenant since they’ve all been given to me. it’s supposed to be lore reasons right? If that’s the case we should have every covenant ability. the only thing that logically would be covenant locked is soulbinding.


Ripcord is coming into picture sooner or later.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So let me get this straight? I switched to necro lord right before 9.1. I goofed, i need to go back to NF. I completed this weeks go back quest to help out ardenweald. Are you saying you are gonna just let me avoid another week of waiting? and let me switch instantly in a couple days?


the question is will we keep our renown lvls we gain or not?

Betrayer? Lol ok sounds bad I guess that’s what blizzard does to players who leave them. Put a little betrayer status on their account. Pull the damn ripcord already.


Where’s my covenant-less faction in this irreligious oblivion?

All the buff with no fluff. I’ll even take the lack of mount and mogs.

Okay maybe a divergent title

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This “betrayer” status is kind of dumb and always was. It’s the afterlife and they are in a supposed crisis, but they are going to worry about our toon being a “betrayer” while the jailer is screwing with them etc?

They are tugging on something with this, but it’s not a ripcord. :eggplant:


Here is an idea .

Make it so people can keep doing it without a penalty and we can all call it what it is .

A pulled ripcord .


Let. Us. Swap. Freely.

Oh my freaking god Blizzard.


You mess my spec up in a way that means I should switch to another Covenant, one I very, very much do not wish to. And this is the bone you want to throw?

Like, you realize that the issue you’re addressing here is just a symptom of the larger problem with the system, right?

The covenants are friendly with eachother! Heck, Maldraxxus’ primary purpose is to defend the other realms. They each give us their abilities during their zone, and we’re helping them all. Why can’t we pick our abilities independently of who we primarily quest for? Pull the ripcord already.


Pull the ripcord already.


Meaningful choice?

Covenant pride?

Team Jacob, Team Edward, Team Beetlejuice or Team Willy Wonka Blueberry?

Here’s a meaningful choice for Blizzard: New developers, and a good quality release of 10.0 ASAP.


Wouldn’t even call it the bare minimum. That’s giving this too much credit.

also inb4 this becomes one Taliesin & Evitel’s “No, it was a **** show, obviously”.