Returning Players LF 6pm to 9:30 EST Guild

Hello everyone!

My husband and I just returned to the game after a 6 month hiatus of playing classic. We are wanting to raid this patch, and are looking for a guild that raids during the time frame of 6pm est to no later than 9:30 est. We are not looking to faction change, so you must be a horde guild. Also, we would prefer AOTC only guilds as we are not really looking to push mythic raiding. I will be playing this Warlock, and he has a holy/ret paladin. He is willing to raid as either role.

If your guild fits all these criteria please leave your information below and I will get back with you! Thanks!

Still looking!

Hey Seraphhny!

HØME is a Horde guild on Area 52 that raids 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST. We are a guild focused on achieving AOTC in a drama and anger-free environment. Wipes happen and we simply focus on what needs to be done to fix whatever went wrong and remembering that there is a person on the other side of the screen. I’ll leave our post below!

We finish about 30 minutes later but in case ! -

Spirits of the Lost is a raiding guild on US-Illidan Horde side. We are looking for more talented raiders to round out our already solid roster and make a strong push throughout Shadowlands. Our guild is made up of a core group that has raided at a very high level since Wrath and some even before that.
Our Raid Times:
Tuesday 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST) Wednesday 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
We may add an additional day during progression, depending on raider interest. Invites go out 10 minutes before the raid starts.

Recruitment Needs:
Melee DPS – Open to any
Ranged DPS – Open to any
Heals – Open to any Tanks – Open to any

We are always recruiting talented raiders regardless of role that are willing to help push content as efficiently as possible. We emphasize talent - because gear is simply not all there is to this game, and downing bosses is much easier when people understand the mechanics.

About Spirits of the Lost:
Spirits of the Lost is a newly formed guild with raiders that have been in top 200 guilds in the past or have been putting up big numbers on World of logs for a long time. Our leadership is extremely knowledgeable and well organized, and this shows in our raiding. We run our raids to maximize efficiency, and there will be very little time between pulls unless we need to change something up.

How to apply:
Please apply in our Discord server found here: Our application process is extremely streamlined, and you will find all the information you need to apply in the application text channel as a pinned message.
Please feel free to contact an officer in game if you have any questions: Immatrap: Bloodshield#1303 Deathsaint: BiggChris#11759