Returning Player Seeking active home/community

Heya, Currently 422 Rogue with a Warlock buddy looking for an active guild to transfer into. We would be looking for one that is AOTC focused in pve but is good enough that they dont have to rage out to achieve it and has a decently active pvp circle to dip around in. Thanks

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Hey there, we’d be interested in talking. My guild Adversaries is looking for more capable folks to clear AotC with, you sound like you’d be a good fit. If you’d like, reach out on Discord to Alarahn#1807 and we can chat!

Hey! Legion Reborn is looking for people just like you! We’re AOTC focused this patch, we do multiple m+s throughout the day and on off days, and we’re fairly active in disc! If you’re interested feel free to hit me up on battle net!


<Pain Train - Zul’jin> [H] is recruiting for our Blue Team. We’re a fun laid back guild looking for more people. Currently recruiting all types of Ranged DPS. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9p-11:30p. Our Blue Team is currently 7/8 Normal 3/8 Heroic with aspirations of AOTC. But ZERO aspirations of mythic raiding so if your looking for a relaxed raid environment where we don’t push you to the breaking point to get bosses down, then we may be a good fit for you.

You can reach out to Blue Team raid lead at Shar#1184 on Battletag or Shar#9615 in Discord.