Returning player on Vek’nilash needing help/casual guild

Let me start with a little background first. I am a returning player after roughly 8 years or so. A friend of mine committed suicide about a year ago and he was the one that got me to play WoW in the first place. With the anniversary of his death coming around I was thinking about the fun we used to have playing this game and it made me download it just to see if my characters were still there. Sure enough they were and with the ability to play up to lvl 20 without paying anything I decided to give it a shot and roughly 2 days later I resubscribed.
Unfortunately however I am having a hell of a time finding just a casual guild to join. Looking casual as I am still acclimating myself to what the game is now. It is rather slow going and a little frustrating. I queue for dungeons but feel bad because my dps is horrendous (still figuring out why) and with the LFG no one really speaks as they just seem to burn through as quickly as possible.
Long story short (impossible at this point) is there a good resource or better yet a good guild on Vek that someone can recommend?

P.S. If anyone remembers the shadow priest seniom on the server that is my friend that got me into wow…would be awesome to run into someone that remembers him.

You may want to ask in the Vek realm forum and also search Discord for any wow communities on the realm or one of its connected realms.

EDIT: I should note that currently, most players are involved with Classic and much fewer are leveling Retail characters at the moment so casual guild recruitment is going to be rare for the next month or so.

Thanks for the response

I’m not on your server but I just started playin wow about 2ish months ago but the guild I’m in on zuljin has been super helpful runnin low lvl dungeons with me and having people help me figure out what I’m doin so if you are interested j. Checking us out on zuljin you can message me on my btag hgrant225 #1568

Hi There just letting you know there is a nice friendly guild called “Salt Patrol” on Vek’nilash it is Alliance though . Thought Id let you know in case you havnt found one yet.

If you decide on venturing to other realms for horde The Malevolent -Azshara would love to have you