Returning Player Needs Help

I left before Pathfinder 2.0 was released for BfA. I got sick of waiting for it. And I’m just now returning.

I’d like to find an online resource that explains the basics of making macros. Since Regrowth is a free, instant cast after using Maim or Rip, I’d like to make macros out of both those abilities.

Hit Maim/Rip once, it casts Maim/Rip. Hit Maim/Rip the second time, it casts Regrowth.

Rayl, you could accomplish this with…

/castsequence Rip, Regrowth

…but it might make more sense to instead make a macro like the following:

/cast [harm] Rip, [@mouseover, exists, nodead, help] Regrowth

That will always use Rip when your target is hostile, and always use Regrowth when your target is friendly (or when you mouseover a friendly target - such as yourself). It isn’t precisely what you’re looking for, but it does combine 2 spells that do not overlap usage into a single button, and it is somewhat more versatile because Regrowth or Rip will never be locked behind a /castsequence order, where you might not have the one up that you want at a critical time.

If you feel like going down a pretty deep rabbit hole with macros, check this out: Macros: Essential Information

Doing what you’re wanting, you’ll run into a problem during Berserk when Finishers return combo points.

You’ll cast Rip, and then Rip again since you’ve got the combo points for it.

It’s best to map both abilities to a different key/macro altogether

There’s no reason to be using this.

Bloodtalons was changed and there isn’t any reason to be casting regrowth every time you use a finisher.

You heal when you need to heal.

Furthermore, as a druid, you should already have regrowth bound to the same key in all your forms. If you haven’t done this already I would focus on that first before making macros.

I beg to differ. When I’m out soloing, the mob is also inflicting damage on me. I don’t walk away from most encounters unscathed. In fact, as I’m trying to finally gear up this toon (who just make level 50 yesterday), I’ve been faced with mobs who are pretty much giving me an even fight, or even a slight advantage. With this in mind, the use of a free-cast, instant Regrowth that will not cause me to revert to Night Elf form, will likely give me the advantage I need to win the fight.

lol No.
You dont understand.

Were a combo point class.
We have builders and spenders.

Rake, swipe, shred are builders. Maim Bite and Rip are spenders.
Another term for spenders is finishers or finishing move.

When someone says finisher they aren’t saying, “finish him”.
They are referring to the type of spell.
The fact that its a bleed/stun or whatever it might do is irrelevant.
Its a finisher.

While I appreciate the crude breakdown of the ferals gameplay, Youre trying to teach your grandpa how to suck eggs.

As far as this macro… As I explained above… Its not needed.
With the removal of Regrowth triggering bloodtalons, there is no reason or need to cast a heal every time you use a finisher,(unless you actually need the heal).

Now… if this is the case… what you actually need is this.

1: bind regrowth to a familiar key while in form.
2: use an aura that signifies if you have predatory swiftness available.





Still better to have it on its own macro, especially a mouse over.

You make it so that if you’re mousing over a friendly, it’ll heal them, if it’s over a hostile or nothing, it’ll heal you.

Like I said, you’ll run into a problem tying it to another ability.

Rayl, it is also worth noting that you only are guaranteed the “free” Regrowth if you spend 5 combo points. Sometimes you might find you don’t use 5 combo points on a finisher, particularly with Maim, when maybe you’re just using it as a quick spell interrupt with 1 or 2 combo points.

If that were the case, and you were using a /castsequence macro, you’d now have a situation where Regrowth was “queued” in the /castsequence but it hadn’t procced, so when you inevitably used it, you’d be pulled out of cat form when you try to cast it.

In short, I think most druid players would advise you to bind that Regrowth spell in a different way (perhaps with the macro I offered in my first reply on this thread, with [help] and [harm] conditionals). You can still use Regrowth all the time (I sure do!), but you won’t have the danger of being locked into a /castsequence order that might not work for your current situation. As Tical has suggested, /castsequence macros can be problematic and they definitely reduce your ability to dynamically respond to a situation.

That said, they DO have their place and should not be totally ignored. For instance, I love them for defensive cooldowns or for self-heal macros, like this one:

/castsequence reset=90 Renewal, Spiritual Healing Potion

You can use the “reset” conditional (measured in seconds) to make a /castsequence macro automatically jump back to the first spell/item in the sequence after a set time. So, in the case above, if I use Renewal to heal myself but don’t use a potion (the next thing in the sequence), after 90 seconds, when Renewal is off cooldown, it will jump back to it so I don’t waste a potion when I have a non-consumable healing ability that is once again ready to go.

Stick with mouseovers.

#showtooltip Regrowth
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Regrowth

When pressed, it will always heal you unless your mouse its targeting a friendly player, in which case, it will heal them.

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I think this would be perfect. Thanks.

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Just to reiterate, I’m all for different styles of play. Everyone is different but there are some very objectively good and bad things to do and merging attack/heal abilities into a cast sequence macro is asking for trouble. It’ll screw you far more than help you.

Strongly advise just having a keybind (separate from any specific form) that casts regrowth. Utilize blizzard’s normal UI for the proc effect or a weak aura to know when you have it and just press regrowth only when that’s up. It’s far better in every conceivable scenario.

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