Returning player looking for active raiding and M+ guild


ilvl 393 blood dk looking for active guild to run some normal/heroic raids with, lower M+

I am a returning player, started at Vanilla launch and raided in a hardcore environment through WOTLK. Long story short, RL was getting in the way of my WoW commitments and I decided (along with my wife who also played/raided) to start our own casual raiding guild which was around Naxx and we had a blast. We fell off around cata, playing here and there but never had the drive to get back into raiding. I have played hardcore as ranged DPS (fire mage) and Healer (holy pally) and then in the causal raiding guild I was our MT (blood DK). And as stated I was a co-GM of a raiding guild so I have some leadership traits which also lent themselves to be being our guild MT for raids.

Well here we are and after giving this xpac a go I am hooked again! I realize season 1 is winding down, but Season 2 looks to be very exciting!

Looking for an active guild that can provide a supportive and progress minded environment. I have cleared LFR and 7/8 normal on my disc priest (ilvl 385) and also have a ww monk (ilvl 389) who has run normal vault and some lower key M+. That content was so simple though, pugged with no comms, I feel there is more out there, and my real passion is for tanking which I want to pursue on this toon. But tanking requires a supportive learning environment. I study Wowhead and Icy Veins, watch youtube for strategies, keep up on BiS lists and all that. Now I feel the next important piece is a rocking guild to run with!

Active discord and guild community are a big wish list item.

TLDR: long time player, former hardcore raider, took break from cata - BFA, looking to get back into raiding and figure out wtf M+ really is. Brings raid geared tank, healer and melee DPS, wants to get back at a casual/semi-hardcore at best level. Love discord and being part of a community and helping the group achieve some goals and have a blast while doing it!

Hi Giltral, We could really use someone like yourself to help our guild push through bosses. Our GM is main tank, but we have been needing an off-tank for our raids. “Bada Bing” is a social casual raiding guild (21+). We are currently N 8/8, H 2/8, and we raid Heroic Th/F 7-10pm EST., and Normal on Saturday (same time period). We have a chatty Discord, and in terms of keys, most do low w/ a few doing the higher levels, but one of our higher level guys has on occasions taken us through his keys and not cared if we make the time or not, just so we get a decent piece of loot in the vault. That’s the kind of members we have here. Our GM also helps everyone gear up. If we sound like a good fit for you, just IM me in-game for either more info/invite. I’m online practically every day in the early afternoon, but if you can’t catch me and just desire an invite then go through guild-finder directly and apply to “Bada Bing”. Hope to have you join our family!

If you have not found your guild yet let me know add me on Bnet Bloodhaven#1511

Hi Giltral - We’re finishing out AOTC for season one and building our season two raid team here at Spun! I’ve posted some details below, but you can also add me on Discord and I can tell you more about our AOTC team, vibe, and goals for Dragonflight :slight_smile: Devonellah#0195

SPUN is a relatively new guild with a friendly, professional, and engaging environment. Our mission is to create an atmosphere that allows our team members to take their talent to the next level - while enjoying the game and all it has to offer.

About our AOTC raid team

We are currently 7/8 Heroic for Season One - and working on Raz right now. This is a unique opportunity to join a fantastic group of people that will help you grow as a raider and be a part of a fast-growing guild on Stormrage.

Raid Times

Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST

Click here to view our recruitment post on the wow forum. I look forward to speaking with you :slight_smile: