Returning Player LFG: Shaman, Pally or Rogue

I have taken quite the break from the game but raided pretty heavily from classic to wrath and stopping when Cataclysm came out (have done some raid finder raids during Cataclysm).

With TWW coming out soon I decided to get back into the game and with that comes the search for a guild I have a shaman (elemental currently but will play resto as well), rogue, and paladin (have mainly played holy on him but would try ret as well).

I am looking for a guild that intends to raid pretty seriously with the expansion. Mythic etc did not exist when I stopped playing but I would like to push into that sort of content. I am flexible when it comes to times/raiding schedule. My shaman and rogue are on Illidan and my paladin is on Sargeras

BNet: itsmedave#2642
Discord: itsjustmedavid

Hey man, my team is looking for raiders. we are an AOTC team atm the moment that plans to go into mythic and hopefully get to CE. My discord user is Zack8194, feel free to message me for more info.

our raid times are Tuesday-Wednesday 8-11 EST. Hope to hear from you.

Guild & Server: Intricacy-Tichondrius
Raid Times/Days: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 3:00 PM PST (california time)
Current Progression: 5/8M AVOTI 7/9M AATSC 6/9M AATDH
Recruitment Contact: discord: Loredon Btag: Loredon#1135 discord: Draconerus
Requirements: Attendance for both raid days, Being Coachable, knowledge of your class and boss mechanics, RC Loot Council, Wowaudit , positive attitude

Not sure what raid times you’re looking for, but we’re still currently looking for an Elemental/rogue to add to the roster! Tribal is an AOTC Only guild at the moment but I wanted to make sure you had a few options to consider. We’re on US-Mal`Ganis with Tuesday/Thursday Raid Nights @ 8:00PM-11:00PM (PDT) focused on efficient AOTC clears every tier and Seasonal Mythic+ content. Always feel free to get in touch if you have any questions we can answer!


  • Discord: Nyborg7782
  • BNet: Nyborg#1483

Our Full Recruitment Post can be found below:

Plagued is recruiting for AOTC and then pushing into Mythic difficulty for TWW.

Raid times: Tuesday and Wednesday 9p-midnight. May add Monday if progression is close.

HMU with questions.

Discord: dakgu

No Accountability was founded 6-23-24 with the intentions on AOTC every season and a heavy emphasis on Mythic+. We will also do some Mythic progression after AOTC.

Raid times 8-11EST FRI/SAT

This is a brand new Guild so please keep that in mind before wanting to join to just leave, its a building process <3
Non elitist.
Rather your brand new to the game or a returning player all are welcomed

What We Offer:

• Serious Mythic Plus: Sharpen your skills with our experienced team.

• Consistent AoTC Clears: We’re driven to succeed together.

• Open to All: All classes and levels welcome. Still looking for one Raid Tank as well.

• Weekend Raiding: Perfect for those who love weekend challenges.

Why Join No Accountability?

• Team-Centric Approach: We believe in teamwork and mutual respect.

• Laid-back Atmosphere: Enjoy the game with chill folks who share your passion.

• We have a very active core group who are on everyday, pushing keys and hanging out in discord.

Looking to fill Officer spots and get at least 10 ppl in before prepatch.
so if you play everyday like me and want ppl to play with and talk to hmu on discord. I would love to talk to you some more.
Discord @ inosuke94

Maximum Effort

We’re really small, but I created it like 3 days ago.

Looking for players of all roles and classes for raiding and m+ in TWW. Current member are all adults, but I wouldn’t necessarily call us mature. We’re kinda dumb. But we’re here to play hard, compete, and kill things. Super inclusive, I don’t need to see parses or links. I just need to know your gonna pull your weight.

We’re shooting for AOTC and ksm every season. No set raid days times, though I’m thinking Wednesday Sunday at 7 or 8pm PST. Flexible though.

Totally cool with the extended break. I haven’t raided hardcore since wotlk. Been pretty chill since then.