Returning Player LF Raiding/M+ Guild - SPriest - WILLING TO TRANSFER

I’ve been apart of the same guild since Wrath up until BfA where activity just kinda went down the drain. So I’m not really sure how to do all of this. The guild I’m in now a friend and I used for bank storage (although it’s since been cleared out and disbanded. API just hasn’t updated yet to reflect it).

To be fully transparent, I’m 385 ilvl. I main SPriest, Destro Lock, MM/BM Hunter, and HPal, although I’ve ONLY focused on SPriest this expansion.

I had to take an unexpected break from the game shortly after the Raid released and had to step down from the group I had found. I have not raided consistently since the beginning of BfA, but this was due to having children.

I understand I don’t have much recent history, but I’m willing to put the work in to join a Casual Progression oriented Guild that pushes keys and does Normal & Heroic Raids, with AOTC in mind.

Preferably any day of the week, Sunday through Thursday (Friday and Saturday are possibilities if later in the evening) 8:30 PM CST - 1:00 AM CST (Anywhere between that timeframe).

BNet: Bigheadwallz#1610
Discord: Wallz#1831

Thank you!

Hi, I am not sure if we are what you are looking for. I will drop my spam below and you can let me know if the times work for you (I see the later times are for Fri/sat- I am not sure if that is the same during the week), if so I would like the opportunity to talk to you and see if we could possibly be a good fit.

Guild: Lusts For Trash - Horde US-Bleeding Hollow
8/8N 8/8H
Raid Times: Tues/Weds 10pm-12am CST
Goal: AOTC
We are a casual AOTC guild that tends to be active after 10pm EST, when our RL obligations are fulfilled. We are casual in the sense that we want to see content but are not looking to world first or cutting edge every raid that comes out. Looking for some peeps to help flesh out a solid team for next tier. We do lots of M+ when we don’t raid, so come have fun and kill some bosses! Better be prepared to lust on trash!

Melee Dps- Rogue, Warrior, Dk, Dh
Ranged Dps: Mage, Hunter, Boomie, SP

Discord: Kungfubanana#7678 (Me)
Btag: Kungfubanana#1420
Discord: Fedca#5743 (GL)
Btag: fedca#1826

hello there. if a more casual raid schedule works for you, we might fit the bill! i’ll drop the team info below and if it sounds interesting, we’d love for you to contact one of us.

Hi Wallz, we might be a good fit for you, however we do raid earlier than what you have listed, 6-8pm CST, Tuesday and Thursday. If you can make this work, then take a look at our guild information and if you are interested hit me up.
Good luck in your search.

**Tom Sellecks Mustache a Normal/Heroic 7/8H Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more to join us for 10.1 and beyond. With the changes to guilds coming, we would like to welcome our Alliance allies to the Dark Side. **

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.

TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

Currently Seeking:


DPS/Tank Off-spec to fill in and run Mythic +


Heals/DPS off spec to fill in as needed

Would love to have a Rogue

Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9pm EST

TSM is a Normal/Heroic raiding guild, Mythic raiding isn’t our goal.

What we are looking for from You:
We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either.

If you are looking for a positive raiding experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

Contact: Battlenet - Zuul#1119 for more information.

Yo! We are currently looking for a Spriest. Our times line up as well. Check us out!

Discord contacts:

Hiya Wällz!

House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids Normal/Heroic (and sometimes dabbles in Mythic), does M+, and sometimes other activities together. A nine-year guild, we will be embracing cross-faction beginning in 10.1. We are looking for more ranged dps for our AOTC focused progression team and would like to invite you to check us out. Raid times are Wednesday, Sunday, and Monday 7-9PM Pacific. (Every other Monday is usually a fun run, rather than progression) We use two-way Discord communication. If you are interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.

IngloriousBastardos is a newer guild looking for anyone interested in doing Mythic + and raiding. We need Tanks, Healers, Dps, and we are also looking for Raid leaders.

We are looking to do Normal, heroic possibly push into mythic Raiding.

Raid times- we are hoping to get two core raiding groups, Evening and daytime.

Day time raids Wend/Thursday at 10am pst-3pm pst.
Evening raid team- Tuesday/ Thursday at 7:30 pst to 11:30 pst

We do Pvp and PVE. We like to keep things fun and relaxed regardless of what we are doing. We are friends and teammates first. We like to progress and grow but we are also family oriented, and know we all have a life outside of the game. We are an 18+ guild.

If you are Interested please message Zanaria
Discord- Shamshieldz #4137
Bnet- DireRaven#1545628

Hey Wällz,
I think The vending Machine could be a great place for you to jump into, Dropping the recruitment and guild info post below and if you want to hear more you can reach out to me via Discord or Bnet!

Hi Wallz,

We are currently looking for more range dps for 10.1 raiding. Below is our information. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Mythic Short Bus is looking for some new riders on the bus to heroic/mythic raiding town for 10.1. Our goals each tier is to get AOTC and mythic raiding. We are looking for riders that want a fun environment and wants to down some bosses. We also have a lot of members that do mythic plus. We provide flasks, pots, food, and runes as well. So if you want to ride this bus to raiding town, come join us! Any questions or wanting more info, please reach out to us.

Raid Times:

  • Wednesday - 10:30 PM to 01:30 AM EST
  • Thursday - 10:30 PM to 01:30 AM EST

Current Needs:

  • 2 Healers (High)
  • DPS (Med) - Prefer ranged
  • We are always open to applications from any class.

Contact Info:

  • Discord - Enfemus#4697 (Officer), Ampleturp#7677 (GM)
  • Bnet - Enfemus#1126 (Officer), Turpen#1856 (GM)

Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are 8/8H looking for more for next raid tier
We are in need of the following.

R-DPS- Warlock/Shammy/Boomkin/Mage/Priest/Hunter

M-DPS- Warrior/Rogue/Shammy/Monk/Demon hunter/Death knight

Heals- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”

Tanks- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”

Any and all classes/specs are welcome!

We will be raiding tues/thur 7:45-10:30pm cst time with a 5-10min break around halfway through raid night

"Feel free to add any of the officers or join our wow community to chat or for more info Chetaria#11739