Returning Player LF Guild to Raid/M+

Hey there, I am a returning player after taking a hiatus for about 2-ish years and am Lf a guild to get back into raiding and m+ with, currently haven’t cleared raid and am still working on mythic+ and ilvl (433). But I am on daily and constantly trying to improve and get better at my class and plan on learning and gearing alts.

Oops meant to post this as my level 70 hunter (Zycoh)

Check us out! <Juiced> New Guild 6/9M CE Focused Recruiting

Come check out the quack attack!

DTMB 5/9 Mythic, We’re looking for Raiders for our second team Friday/Saturday 8:30-11:30pm EST. This will be a AOTC/Mythic Casual Focused group. MSG for more info!
Disc: mooney4629 Btag:Mooney#12761