Returning Player LF Guild - Kel'Thuzad

Haven’t played in a long long time…

I may be average IRL but my pally is basically a world boss… JK I am re-learning how to play so I’m pretty garbo. Trust me though… You NEED me in your guild :wink:

Hey Theophiilus,

I’d love to chat on discord. Add me, Letholas#9581! Talk soon

I mean, with a sales pitch like that, how can we not be curious about you? :wink: Are you open to transfers? We’re a 10/10H guild on Area 52 looking for a few dps to push into mythic. We are adult only (21+, avg ages 30’s-40’s) and raid on Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST. If you’re interested, add me at Rawrabear#1450 and lets chat.

Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands. We’re 10/10N 9/10H CN and are looking to progress farther.

We’re an inclusive guild with players ranging in age from 20-70+, with an LGBTQIA presence, and make reasonable accommodations to players with disabilities. Our core philosophy is that of Bill and Ted–to be excellent to each other.

We have an onboarding process that includes making sure people are pre-geared. We can gear someone in a day so gear literally doesn’t matter to us. If you’re willing to learn to play your class, learn the mechanics, get out of the bad, follow the directions, and tolerate our slightly-inebriated banter, you can play with us.

Our main goal is AotC by the end of Shadowlands without that one guy who yells in voice chat. We’re well on our way.

Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we have a weekly schedule and events almost every night of the week including Torghast night, Mythic+ key night, and a casual BG night. We reserve weekends for world tours, special events, and goofing off on alts.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Zandrae#1418 / D: Zandrae#1418

Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you

Hey there Theophiilus, If you are still looking for a new guild to call home I would love to chat with you. Please feel free to add my btag: Kitsune#1784 or Discord: Sinafay#3443.