Returning Player LF GMT+8 Raiding Guild for 9.2 [H] [Barthilas]

Hello, I am a returning experienced player looking for a GMT+8 time zone raiding guild on Barthilas Horde. I last raided Mythic during Legion (EN/NH) as DPS and have been playing casually on and off since then, and I would really like to get back into raiding with a guild heading into 9.2.

In terms of raiding experience in the past I’ve played Tank in Mythic during WoD, and Ranged DPS in Mythic during Legion. In Shadowlands I’ve mainly played Shaman, DK, Warlock but am flexible on classes, playing when I could keeping up with the expansion.

What I 'm Looking For

  • Raid Times: Any days, From 7 PM [19:00 GMT+8] onwards [i.e. 9PM or 10PM server time depending on daylight savings]
  • Heroic/Mythic-Progression Oriented Guild: Achieve AOTC each tier, then keep progressing as far as possible into mythic.
  • Misc.: I am currently working, and am just looking for a new GMT+8 home, people to enjoy WoW with (raid/mythic+/pvp/etc) again.

Please feel free to contact me for a chat to discuss further about whether I could be a good fit for your guild either on Battle Net [Khao#1665] or on Discord [Khao#2473]

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Still looking. Very eager to find a guild and get back into it heading into 9.2. Happy to answer any questions/concerns.

Heya. All Guns Blazing is recruiting for current mythic progression, 9.2 and beyond.
We raid Wednesday 7:30-10:30 and Sunday 8-10:30, GMT +8. Currently progressing on Painsmith.

More information here; [H] Barthilas <All Guns Blazing> - Mythic Raiding GMT+8 (Perth, SG, MY, HK, Indo)

Hey mate - Onineko are an Aussie AOTC focused guild on Barth Horde. Looking for a Healer and maybe a RDPS for our 9.2 raid team. We also do a bunch of keys on off raid nights.

We raid Wed/Thu 8:30pm to 11:00pm Server Time (Sydney Time).

Add me Bob#11581 if we sound like a place you want to join!

Hi Khao,

If you’re up for a server change Bobtail Invasion on Saur/Nag/Cael Horde-side is recruiting for 9.2

We’re a Heroic focussed guild that does some Mythic bosses after and are looking for more DPS, particularly DK, Warrior, and Shaman with Resto OS.

Many of our players have been raiding since the early days including Vanilla so we have a lot of experience in the guild.

Are your raid times set or is there some flexibility?
Our raid schedule is below:
Thursday - 9pm to 11pm server time
Sunday - 7:30pm to 10:30pm server time

Outside of raids we have an active M+ community with many players running multiple dungeons throughout the week. We also have a number of arena enthusiasts in the guild, as well as players keen on achievements, pets and collectables.

I’ve sent you a bnet request.