Returning Player LF Friendly/Social Guild

Hey Shanahaze

I actually have a few toons on BH :slight_smile: Crazyyy!!

Anywho, I just recently made my own guild on Area 52 -US - Horde and I thought I’d post my guild forum spam here for you to take a look at! I think right now we’re up to… hmm… 14 individual members! Which isn’t a large number, I know… but we’ll grow I am sure of it! :smiley: I really love to recruit so I’m on it!

Some things to expect from us: Once we get a few more members we’ll be having some fun events! Because i LOVE fun events!! :smiley:

Please take a look at my spam; no not the meaty weird kind, the forum kind! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, If youre interested or have any questions please MSG me @:
B.TAG: boxcarbinny#11348
DISC: boxcarbinny#0033

Hope to hear from you soon!
:heart: / Wiggles