Returning player LF cruisy raid guild (Saurfang A or H)

Hey mate, Welcome back to the game. By the sounds of things our guild would be perfect for someone like you as majority of us were in the same boat. Existing mythic/heroic raiders who no longer have the time to push that hard.

We raid Wednesday nights 7pm-11pm AEDT/ST and runs some keys or alt raids on other days for whoever wants to participate but they are optional. We are on Frostmourne - Alliance

We are currently after healers and dps so there is a few options available for you to roll a preferred character. We have a core group of about 8-9 raiders and we tend to pug the rest in the mean time until we fill our ranks with quality players. Considering the fact we are pugging a few we are 8/10H and only formed 3 weeks ago.

I have posted our guild thread below and also added you on bnet for a chat if interested in a potential trial (cantbstopped#1999)

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