Returning player LF casual late night M+ guild


I’m looking for a casual guild to call home. I recently started playing again(again) and I’ve gotten tired of the pug life, so I’m looking for a group for m+. really I think the best fit for me are small guilds just looking to hang out, unfortunately I can’t set aside specific days to play, but I’m usually one around 10-2 MST.

An ideal guild would be:

  • most active late nights, around midnight MST, preferably Fridays/Saturdays.
  • have no expectation of availability
  • wanting to run M+
  • preferably horde

right now I’m a full time student with a full time job, hence the availability issues, however I’ll be finishing school up in May at which point I’ll be better able to commit to a schedule. I’m just hoping for now I can find a group I can run with on occasions until season 2 when I can be a more committed member of the team.

if you have questions, comments, concerns feel free to message me here or in game, battletag: pherexian#1805

We do mythic+ nightly. We are late night community looking to grow. We do raid as well but you can be in the guild just for dungeons. We do all level of keys. If this interest you please hit me up. I added you on bnet as well hopefully we can talk and see if this fits your needs. We are a semi new guild which began at start of dragonflight, but have grown to decent size and still trying to grow.

Hi Venie - We’re recruiting for our AOTC raid team here at Spun - but also putting together solid M+ teams and welcoming casual players as well. I’ve posted some details below, but you can also add me on Discord and I can tell you more about our team, vibe, and goals for Dragonflight! :slight_smile: Devonellah#0195

SPUN is a new rapidly growing guild with a friendly and engaging environment! Our mission is to create an atmosphere that allows our team members to take their talent to the next level!

About our AOTC raid team

Our team will be focused on achieving AOTC for Season One. This is a unique opportunity to join a fantastic group of people that will help you grow as a raider and be a part of a fast-growing guild on Stormrage.

Raid Times

Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST

Click here to view our recruitment post on the wow forum.