Returning player LF AOTC Guild


I’ve been away from the game for a good while now (nearly all of SL) and have came back since DF has been so much fun!

I’ve played at CE level but am NOT looking for that now. I don’t mind dabbling in Mythic raiding but is nowhere near my focus. Instead I’m returning for the fun of the game. Not caring if I parse orange or gray.

I’ll know the fights, come prepared, do my M+, all that good stuff.

What I want is a two night raiding guild. Preferably after 6pm PST, but later the WAY better.

I’ll be looking to run a Fury Warr and Ele/Enh Shaman. Don’t care much about what server and terms of horde or ally, doesn’t seem like that really matters even more.

Leave them discords and btags! If it’s a good fit, I’ll be reaching out!

Hey Alanir. We aren’t super late PST but we do raid at 730 PM PST at 2 days a week. We don’t have a shaman in our group so that would work out but at the same time we encourage people to play whatever they are most comfortable and have the most fun playing. Most of us are also old TBC+ raiders who are also now just enjoying getting AOTC and KSH. We are located on the secretly awesome Hyjal server where there’s a good chunk of late night players too.

Looking forward to hearing from you. My discord is the same as my WoW name . Markwahlbear , I will drop our full guild spam below. Take care !

Hey we would make a great fit, let’s chat?
Raid: Sun/Mon 6-9PM (PST)
Discord: Gnomez4life#5699
BNET: Gnomez4life#1101


Guild Chat is a small guild just trying to defeat the roster boss. We got AoTC in 10.0 and again in 10.1.

Our goals each tier are AoTC and to have some fun. At this point in the tier we’re doing reclear pugging some honestly but recruiting constantly.

We are on Sargeras we raid Tue/Thur 9-11:30 eastern. We’d love to have ya.

Discord: Jfrong

Hey there! I’d love to chat if you haven’t found a home yet.

Here at Organized Chaoz we understand that family and life happens. We are an AOTC focused guild who does dabble in mythic.

We currently raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-11est. When we are not raiding we are running mythic+ and other content.

We are looking to build our roster.
Looking to add dps and a few that can flex dps/heal

I would love to chat

My discord is shiloh0935 and bnet shiloh#1377

Hi Alanir,
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our aotc focused group raids on Thursday
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

This raid is full of casual mains but also some alts from our mythic team. We are a fun, friendly bunch and would love to have you if it is a good fit.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee

Hello Alanir, welcome back to the game! Not much was missed in shadowlands :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re looking for a chill AOTC and M+ guild with adult humor & banter, we might be the right fit! We’re currently having a raiding break until season 3 but have members running m+ throughout the day/evening.

Our forums post with more information!

Below is our current scheduled activity days:

  • Tues & Weds: During Raid Prog: Raid Night 6pm PST until 8pm PST
  • Tues & Weds: After AOTC Achieved: Based on group(s) availability and interest. Fun-Run’s 6pm PST until 8pm PST Consists of: M raids of current/previous xpac, meta raid/dungeon achievement runs, mount/transmog runs for older raid/dungeons
  • Thurs: M+ Night 5pm EST until group(s) decide to call it

Would love to chat more to see if we’d be a good fit! :smiling_face:
Bnet: Neithia#1315
Disc: Neithia

Full send to the top!

Hey Alanir,

My guild is 7/9 mythic and looking for a warrior to round out our two night a week raiding guild. I know CE is not a top priority for you, but if you have CE experience and want a guild that raids starting 6:30 PST to 9:30 PST with no additional nights/hours, let me know if this is interesting to you.

my Btag is Match#11670. hope to hear from you

you could be a good fit with us

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – Sinafay#3443
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829

Nothing can stop me, I’m bumpin all the way up!