Returning player LF a raiding home

Hello! I’m raid leader for an Alliance AOTC Raid Group that raids on the weekends (Friday/Sunday). We’re also 30s and up, balancing a desire to raid with a need for work/life balance. Also big believers in no toxicity/elitism. All we ask is that you play your class well and have fun doing it.

I’m adding you on bnet and I’ll leave my group’s details below, but if you’re interested, let’s talk. We’re getting ready to start putting some groups together for the Megadungeon next week and start up progression as well! (10/10 H last tier)

Also, welcome back to the states!

Recruiting: Healer (Shaman, Paladin, Priest pref) and Damage (Melee and Ranged) - all classes welcome!

  • Current Progression: 10/10 H Castle Nathria
  • We raid on Friday and Sunday Evenings!
  • Raid Times: Fridays @ 9-12 PM EST / 8-11 PM CST / 7-10 PM MST / 6-9 PM PST (3 Hours) -AND- Sundays @ 9-11 PM EST / 8-10 PM CST / 7-9 PM MST / 6-8 PM PST (2 Hours)
  • Mythic+ Keys throughout the week (runs organized via Discord)
  • We DO NOT expect a server transfer or joining our guild if you are happy where you are! Since we only raid Normal and Heroic content, we actively use a cross-realm community to keep our players together!

Who We Are: -Respec- is an Alliance AOTC Progression Raiding guild based out of Blade’s Edge. Our members are all veteran raiders that believe in good class play and teamwork to overcome all raid challenges, while also being a group of laid-back nerdy types wanting to have fun in raid.

Goal: We focus on clearing Normal and Heroic modes of raid content while it’s relevant, while also being able to maintain a good work/life balance during the week. Our general atmosphere is more mature and intimate with a hard stance against toxic/elitist personalities.

Who We Are Looking For: The kind of people that would enjoy and excel in our group are players who prefer smaller raid sizes with a chill atmosphere, but still want to see good class play from others. Most of us are in our 30s and up while being Nerdy, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Couple Friendly, and overall just having fun playing together. For the person who is trying to juggle life while still wanting to push raid in a quality environment - we’re just that.

Open Invite To Our Next Raid: Ultimately, the only way to see if we’re a good fit for you is to join us on one of our raid nights and see what we’re all about. I welcome anyone interested to hit me up on Discord or Battlenet and let’s talk more about what you’re wanting from your raid experience and what we can do to match it. As long as you can play your class, we can explain the fights and make it work!

Battlenet: Chaoswhite#1873
Discord: Sin#9334

Hey Aiyssa, I see you’ve had some action on this post, but if you’re still looking around, I sent you a BTag friend request (Sum0 Ninja) to see if my guild would be a fit for you. Hope you find something that fits!


We might be a fit for you. We’re an inclusive guild with players ranging in age from 20-70+, with an LGBTQIA presence, and make reasonable accommodations to players with disabilities. Our core philosophy is that of Bill and Ted–to be excellent to each other. We don’t tolerate toxicity.

We have an onboarding process that includes making sure people are pre-geared. We can gear someone in a day so gear literally doesn’t matter to us. If you’re willing to learn to play your class, learn the mechanics, get out of the bad, follow the directions, and tolerate our slightly-inebriated banter, you can play with us.

Our main goal is AotC each tier of Shadowlands without that one guy who yells in voice chat.

Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we have a weekly schedule and events almost every night of the week including Torghast night, Mythic+ key night, and a casual BG night. We reserve weekends for world tours, special events, and goofing off on alts.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Zandrae#1418 / D: Zandrae#1418

Hey! Debuff is currently recruiting ranged dps and a healer. We’re an East Coast US Horde guild on Bleeding Hollow. We hit 3/10M (10/10H) in CN and we’re shooting for comparable progression this tier as well (AOTC plus some mythics, hopefully). We raid twice/week (T/Th 8-11 pm EST). We’re adults with limited schedules, so we take raiding seriously while still having fun.

If that’s interesting, lets discuss. You can reach me either at Wrathblood#1742 (battlenet) or Wrath#3004 (discord). Hopefully we can talk.

Hey Aiyssa! I shot you a btag, bojangles#1291. My discord is Tazer#1603. Would be happy to chat! We’re a group of folks with similar experience and life-situation. We’re older, talented players with families. We don’t have time for the CE grind anymore but still want to clear content and enjoy doing so as a step away from the RL grind.

Would love to chat more. My spam is below! Thanks!

Hey there, you didn’t mention what you played but our guild is currently looking for a fourth heals to finalize our healer core or another ranged dps if that interests you! I’d best describe our guild environment as a bunch of old raiders just wanting to get bosses down and see how far we can go without all the hardcore elitism and toxicity. I’ll leave our stuff below but if we sound like a fit then please hit us up!

Chaotic Neutral is an established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon, while we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we raid Tues/Weds from 8:00-11:00 pm EST - as of writing this we were 10/10H and 6/10M with a few attempts on Council before we called for the tier due to raider burn outs.

I’ll leave all our additional info below but if you’re interested then please put in an app on our guild site or add one of the btags to get in contact, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search!

Guild Site:
Forum Post: [A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!
Btags: Gm - Wandappy#1921 | Recruitment - GingerHeals#11438

Sent you a bnet request from Rawrabear#1450. If you’re open to going Horde and server transferring, we may be a good fit for you. I run Hefty, an adult only (21+, avg ages 30’s-40’s) semi-casual guild on Area 52. We finished out this tier 2/10M, 10/10H and raid on Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST. Our goal each tier is AOTC and then a handful of mythics while still maintaining a relaxed, low stress atmosphere. Outside of raids our folks enjoy running keys, leveling alts, and hanging out in discord. I’ll leave a link to our recruitment spam below, hope to hear from you soon.

Hi there Aiyssa,

i tried adding you on discord but it seems as though discord either doesn’t like your name or that the name doesn’t exist in what you presented… or I’m dumb and doing something wrong… In any case, i run a guild over in Durotan that’s a smaller guild, specializing in raiding in mythic plus. I point this out specifically because you didn’t specify where your interests lie specifically. I hope to hear from you as i could use (what i believe you are) a shadow priest. And now for my spam.

Evolution of Chaos is a tight knit group of friends with numerous years of raiding success and experience.

Looking for family friendly players who are committed to raiding and having fun! Our raiding times are family friendly and will not require you to be up late hours throughout the night. We understand that Real Life comes first and want to make sure this is accomplished in all of our lives. Our raiding times allow our group to be successful in-game; as well as, promote the success of our out-of-game life too.

If you are looking for a fun place to raid and not have to worry about a guild leaving you, or changing servers (aka. no drama), then Evolution of Chaos could be that home for you.

Raiding schedule:
Wednesday: 8:00 - 11:00 (est)
Sunday: 8:00 - 11:00 (est)

Mythic Plus

Bnet: KnightnGale#1402
Discord: Minidude-Durotan [A]#2098


Looking for players who are committed to raiding or mythic plus and having fun! Can train those willing to learn.

Hey there! Going to drop our spam in as well in case we fit your availability =)


Welcome back to the states, and maybe just possibly to [Cursed Guild] the home of plenty of misfits and awkward people who just happen to like each other.
We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-10 Eastern time. We formed late into the game and as a guild are 10/10 N and 9/10 H. Most of our raiders are AOTC though but were burned out by the time we formed and were just ready to hang out, chill, and do whatever until 9.1

If you want to do more or other things than jusr raiding we have PVP’ers, key runners, and just social people too. And people that do all of the above or different combinations of them. And most of all we like to talk, so we can help you get caught up.

If that kinda sounds like you, or the place you’d like then I would be happy to talk to you about how amazing and awesome we are (I am a little biased though).

Discord: Multispork#8293
BNet: Multispork#1187

Good Luck, I hope you find your home

Hello, Aiyssa! [A] House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids, does M+, and sometimes other activities together. We would like to invite you to check out our Normal/Heroic team. If everyone is comfortable after a two to four week trial period, we would ask that you transfer servers. Raid times are Sunday and Monday 7-10PM Pacific. We use two-way Discord communication. If interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.

Hello Aiyssa!

My guild is looking for reliable players and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We are currently one of the top Horde Guilds on our server looking to secure that spot despite the competition!

Our team runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST

We also have an RBG team and Guild Games/Events

General Requirements/Expectations:

Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late

I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.

Hope to hear from you!

Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!

I think we our guild has what you are looking for. Our raid times would suit you, and we are a mature guild without drama / toxicity.

Alpha Guild; Alliance Stormrage

About the Guild

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game

Allo Aiyssa o/

It sounds like “Dusk Eternal” fits a lot of what you’re looking for in a guild. We are a bunch of adults with lives playing the game and getting progress done in the time thats allowed. We should talk some.

My Discord is bluu#7164

Welcome back to the beautiful USA land of the free cuz of the brave would love to chat with you guild spam below

Welcome back!

Spirits of the Lost is a raiding guild on US-Illidan Horde side. We are looking for more talented raiders to round out our already solid roster and make a strong push throughout Shadowlands. Our guild is made up of a core group that has raided at a very high level since Wrath and some even before that.
Our Raid Times:
Tuesday 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST) Wednesday 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
We may add an additional day during progression, depending on raider interest. Invites go out 10 minutes before the raid starts.

Recruitment Needs:
Melee DPS – Open to any
Ranged DPS – Open to any
Heals – Open to any Tanks – Open to any

We are always recruiting talented raiders regardless of role that are willing to help push content as efficiently as possible. We emphasize talent - because gear is simply not all there is to this game, and downing bosses is much easier when people understand the mechanics.

About Spirits of the Lost:
Spirits of the Lost is a newly formed guild with raiders that have been in top 200 guilds in the past or have been putting up big numbers on World of logs for a long time. Our leadership is extremely knowledgeable and well organized, and this shows in our raiding. We run our raids to maximize efficiency, and there will be very little time between pulls unless we need to change something up.

How to apply:
Please apply in our Discord server found here: Our application process is extremely streamlined, and you will find all the information you need to apply in the application text channel as a pinned message.
Please feel free to contact an officer in game if you have any questions: Immatrap: Bloodshield#1303 Deathsaint: BiggChris#11759

I think you would fit in at Descendants of Lore perfectly. If you wish to talk more please add me to battlenet or discord to talk further. Here is our spam:

[A] Descendants of Lore is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh that has been around since Vanilla (15 + Years). We are a small to medium sized, close-knit guild of friendly, mature players, with the majority being over the age of 30 with, jobs, families, and adult responsibilities.

We offer a laid back environment with dedicated players willing to put in the work to succeed but not at the expense of fun or sanity.

We make a push for Heroic each expansion and sometime dip a toe into a Mythic boss or two when we have the roster.

We raid Sundays from 4pm-8pm CST. (2-6 pm Pacific) and every other Saturday with plenty of opportunities for Mythic + throughout the week.

We are looking for mature, friendly, active, and dedicated players to join us for Shadowlands and beyond.

If you wish to raid, we expect you to come prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems, know your class and rotation) and on time, come with a good attitude and know how to wipe with dignity and work towards progress.

We will accept anyone who would be a good fit for our guild, and can currently accommodate almost any class, but are especially looking for talented DPS classes, healers, and a hybrid tank to help fill in for tanking when needed.

If you have made it past the novella, please consider us if you are looking for a fun and friendly environment with an established, long term guild that doesn’t tolerate drama. Or if you are looking for a raid experience filled with silliness and dad jokes.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to consider Descendants of Lore as your new home.

Battlenet: Daveta#1154
Discord: Daveta#5455

Asa sent you a Btag invite. [H] [US] [Area 52] - <Fearfulways> [10/10 M SoD]

Hey there Aiyssa! We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.


Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 5/10 SoD N then into heroic

Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+, WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!

[Firehawk] is a guild of great friends and teammates recruiting for the heroic raid team,Twilight Fenix. We run Fri and Sat 6-9pst. Looking for mage/priest/lock and any healer, but any class is welcome. You’re welcome to join us in dungeons to help gear your character while you catch up with the game’s content. If we interest you, feel free to message me, Bre (Brerellin#1558) for any more info about us. Come hang out with us and become a Firehawk!