Returning player LF 2 day AOTC raid team


I am returning from a break after uldir aotc and am looking for a guild to raid aotc with. I play a resto druid and can play off spec guardian or moonkin.

I raided from vanilla through WOTLK as a resto druid completing most of the hard modes in ulduar. Then I came back for bfa, did uldir heroic and took a break due to irl stuff.

I’m looking for a 2 day raiding guild, preferably between 8-10pm est, days and time frame could shift.

My goals in game are first and foremost to have fun with friends, and to get AOTC every tier, and to push high m+.

If anyone is recruiting feel free to add me on bnet or message me here, server and faction doesn’t matter too much to me

Hey Purple,

I just want to drop a link to our recruitment post over on Thrall Horde for Dreamhaven.

We’re a core group of IRL friends who are a mix of CE and AotC raiders. We’re a 2 night a week guild (Wed/Sun, 7-9 EST) that will absolutely be getting AotC every tier and we’ll be shooting for CE on a less-than-hardcore basis.

We love pushing high M+ as well (here’s a link to our MT/RL’s raiderio: raider dot io/characters/us/thrall/Broxamura).

If you might be interested, check out our recruitment post or hit me up either on bnet or Discord:

  • battlenet: Zerigast#1929
  • disc: Haemesh#3350