Returning player--Gear& PVP Q

So once the patch comes out we should be doing:

  • world boss weekly
  • m+ dungeon weekly
  • visions weekly
  • warfront weekly
  • conquest cap
  • 3x reroll keys

Is there anything else I’m missing that we need to do every week?

You can pick and choose what to do, like now.

i agree, thats why i havent preorder expac yet and why i wont pay another 15 bucks for a while lol.

i got on and this is how i feel right now.

Classes feel boring, not as unique as WOTLK. Everything kinda feels the same. I don’t really feel much of a different in my caster classes < range/ caster player>
Low amount of spells

too much PVE! way too much! No actual pvp content and initiatives. no pvp vendors!

way way too much grind!


This is player choice though. All you need is BGs and some world quests.

i would agree if we had our own pvp vendors or a better gear system when doing BGS, as well as better armor sets.

WOTLK was perfect. I did my dailys, i bgs / arena. Got gear from Wintergraps, then honor point gear, then eventually arena gear. Only pve for weapon once.


We do have a decent gearing system though. Conquest system allows for all gear to be obtained and random drops to fill in the holes.

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And i am saying its a poor system. The gear i’ve obtain from it was very slow and wasnt that great at start.

pvp is not pve. i want my choice to obtain my gear.

Yea, it scales as your ilvl increases. That’s for random drops. Conquest gear is always 415, and then 430

never got a 415 conquest gear, just letting you know. it was scalig up as my ILvl increased

Then you didn’t complete the 500 CP and turn it in. First reward is a 410 weapon, rest is 415

i did lol and im elling you now no char i have has 415 gear

May want to submit a bug report.

more like a game design report which many have alreayd complained about. There is a huge poll wiht 90 percent of pvp players asking for pvp vendors back. Yet they still say they care about pvp.

PvP vendors won’t help with a bug not allowing you the gear though. If you actually capped 500 cp and handed it in on that toon, you should have an epic weapon.

it isnt a bug, thats how it is lol.

Pvp vendors will give us our choice to get the gear we want?? why are you tieing it to a make believe bug?

It absolutely is. CP gear is always 415, minus the weapon at 410

nope you can refuse me all you want and call everyone a liar. but thats how it is to me. never got 415 gear crom CP completion and it took forever to obtain.

You are the first person I heard this from, which is why I think your character is bugged.

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before i quit for months, the first item i got from it was a choice to get ether staff or offhand. and it was like 375 ilvl. Then quit cuze it was just horrible grind. came back tryied longer… got armor 380-390 like 1-2 poop takes forever

Yes the season before was that ilvl. Now we’re in a new season. And a week and a half is another new season.