Returning player confused about pvp gearing now (Aff)

Mainly a question about the tier set stuff really but I see people are like crafting gear now and with the whole ability to change your pvp gear into tier gear its got my head in circles.

I think i get the general idea where its
Look at tier gear>see which piece has bad stats> dont get that armor piece for the 4pc and so to me it looks like Crit/Vers gloves are the piece to not get but so then should i spend conq on pvp gloves in this case or get them crafted? I feel like theres no wrong answer but ive been looking at peoples armories and just getting more confused because everyone is doing different stuff lol. I could be overthinking but just wondering what the other aff bros were planning to do as far as pvp gearing and what pieces theyre planning to rock.

Was thinking about crafting a ring to be haste/vers so i can have two of those but im also seeing people craft helmet and i thought helmet was better for tier bonus than gloves…maybe people think the 4pc isnt good? Idk lmk, coming back and have been gone since bfa so all these embellishments and tier being in pvp again is a lot of new information.