[UPDATE - T3 now crafteable] Returning Naxx transmogs and why some people are simply more special than others

I don’t understand why tier sets aren’t available*, and why would Corrupted Ashbringer be unavailable? It’s obvious that nothing is sacred anymore (and after 17 years or so of exclusivity it shouldn’t be), so why this weird line in the sand for some old unobtainable items but not others?

Are the people who got the singled out items on the left side of the line in the sand simply more special than those on the right?

How is this justified?

*I don’t care that the sets are technically available on the bmah, that’s not the topic at hand. The previously unobtainable ZG class sets are obtainable through ZG, the Naxx tier sets should be treated similarly. Otherwise blizzard is just acknowledging that some people are arbitrarily more special than others.


If the naxx 40 sets weren’t as rare and difficult to acquire as they are, would the community still hold them in the same high regard?


Literally the only thing the vast majority cared about was the corrupted ashbringer. If it isn’t obtainable by this new change, the care factor for new naxx went from 10 to 0 in 3 nanoseconds.


Only thing that makes anyone special in this age is this:


Corrupted Ashbringer has a huge draw, yes. But I very much disagree that people don’t care about these unobtainable models, especially the weapons. Blacksmiths are going have a heyday with these appearances, and Engineers are going to make a killing on Servo Arms.


Maybe if you didn’t actually care about the item itself and more so just wanted to strut around like a bird during mating season with stuff no one can get just to maximize your personal toxicity, sure.

But for those of us who weren’t there, wasn’t playing yet, had highly demanding jobs, became parents, etc etc etc, we don’t ever look at something being special simply because we have no access to it. We see it as something dumb that needs to change. Cause it’s an mmo. Not a single player game. Opportunities should be available to every player. End of the line. You wanna feel like a special snowflake, go play a single player rpg or use your damn imagination and make a good mog build. Or idk, RP. Jeez lol.


because epeen.

classic proved they weren’t that difficult or rare. Players just sucked back then.


Fake sense of validation.

Terrible choices. Take your pick.



Sec, just pulling up a source, since progress was logged.


Look at what happened to the black quiraji battle drone mount owners. They got a 2nd mount model for free simply by having that item eventhough there was A LOT of cheaters getting it back in 2008 wrath of the lichkings when new servers had their gates closed.

Somehow items like spectral tiger and corrupted ashbringer are more “valued” than others. Why? No idea.

I have done naxx around 50 times on classic and I seen more corrupted ashbringers drop than soulseekers from kel’thuzad. Once cata hits on those versions you will have a lot of ashbringers running around, already devaluing the item anyway.

They should add it too just remove the aura effect and rp value and call it a day. There is no reason to not believe that classic chars wont be copied over to retail in the future anyway so might aswell add it for the next patch.

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That is the topic though. They are available as a gold sink for people to pay.

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speaking of bmah where is it now? is it still in SL ?

Yeah, they teach this at school now.


People tend to throw temper tantrums when they see something and can’t have it. You don’t see the battle drone in all the popular art and youtube vids.

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You should feel how I feel I get really butt hurt.

I played wow since the dawn of time! I am old wise and cranky I tell you! But no seriously I played wow in the Vanilla era and I had some rare items in my hey day, this was before transmog so I saved alot of items either from when it was ran as content or higher levels before removed, whichever the case was.

I had 6/8 (9?) Tier set
The blue icebane helmet
the ZG Tiger claws (claws they use to proc you into a tiger! USELESS! but amazing)
the gold weird shield that dropped from trash in naxx
the sword off hakkar, Jin’do? jin’rak? whatever
and a few other rare but now gone items in the game.

ONE DAY! I get a phone call from my friend while I am at work and he says “hey uh are you online I wanted to do (X thing here, raid? dungeon? whatever)” I was like no I am at work, he replies in such a dumb way but pot will do that to you

“Ohhhh that explains why your not answering me…and zipping across the zones at like 600% speed”

someone HACKED me. They hacked me, sold ALL my stuff and then transferred me to another realm (I still have the hacked account move from one realm to the another and blizzards free moving me back to my original realm) Once I got my account back MOST my items where gone, blizzard restored some but many they went with “nah, you can’t get that back (Icebane tier 3 stuff, ashbringer, ZG claws are the highlight here) and you can go stick it”

I guess plus side I got 10,000 gold extra from whatever the hacker did that they didn’t take away so yay…bonus?

And yes, I tried submitting a ticket, many times, talked to GMS when that was a think and after 5 attempts I gave up.

Some lines right from blizzard:

“Hello! these items where deleted and because of that we are no longer able to restore them because the item IDS have been removed from the game”
Links GM ingame ashbringer
gm: 'dude what do you want me to say here im kinda a robot"

“Hello! While we can see on your account these items once where in your bags because the ID they are tagged to has been removed we can not restore them”

“Hello! from what we see you never owned these items, there is a glitch it appears from date (XX to XX) and these items are not tagged to your account” (dates I was hacked/moved/moved back)

“Hello! These items are no longer in game so no we will not be restoring them it also has been so long we can not see the item ids being attached to your account”


Its below Valdrakken now

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o interesting ty

I am very much looking forward to adding to my Icebane collection that I missed out on due to differing raid priorities… and getting a few of the items I vendorded back in Vanilla. Exciting!

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It is crazy how people care so much about N64-level models.


Exactly. I would rather them not bring back any of the items at all because now none of them are going to be cool to see anymore. When I see someone in-game with an item from Naxx 40 I lose my mind and think it is so cool to see. Now? Unimpressive, added to everyone’s xmog collection and noone is going to use them because they aren’t cool anymore.