Returning mage LF home

Hey Hokan!

[The Numpty Brigade] is an AoTC-focused guild on Illidan looking for more dps! We are headed by a couple of mythic raiders who were sick of the stress and wanted to go for a more casual/fun route.

Our raid times are Friday/Saturday 7:30-10:30PM CST and our current prog is 6/11N. Our plan for 9.2 and beyond is to hit normal first to see the fights and then swapping to heroic full-time to aim for AoTC. Whether or not we venture into mythic will be decided as a team upon achieving AoTC.

In addition to raiding, we’re very fond of pushing keys, with several of our members achieving KSM last season.

If you’re interested, feel free to message Ackleholic#3313 on discord or Kreg#2602 (discord)/Kreg#11527 (bnet)