Returning mage LF AotC raiding

Hey Torrentime, if you are still looking for a guild, I would love to chat with you sometime about our guild and where you might fit in!

Knights of the Alliance has been around since the early days of Vanilla WoW and we have raiding in every tier since that time, attempting or beating every raid as it was current content. Every so often, as with anyone with a life, we have backed off of raiding due to real life events or because an expansion sucked (looking at you BFA). During Legion, we were a top 10 guild on Lightbringer and top 5 Alliance guild. However, as always, our goal has never been to actually reach these heights, they are just obtainable with the right group of individuals around us. As such, here are the rules for KotA members -

  1. We were all prior military. As such, we tend to act like it. We bark orders and we expect things to be done when we say it. But that also includes all of the fun stuff. If you were ever in the military, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
  2. We swear. A lot. An obscene amount, actually. If that hurts your psyche, then we aren’t the guild for you.
  3. We are also a family guild. My dad, my mom, my 3 older brothers, my 2 little brothers, and my sister all play WoW and are all in this guild. Once upon a time, we also boasted having my Uncle, my Aunt, and my Cousin all in guild as well. Those familiar relationships tend to grow towards people who join our guild, but especially with those who have been in the military.
  4. Because 1 and 3, we also tend to give everyone around us alot crap. We trash talk you if you screw up a pull. We give you crap if you fall down on the elevator boss. Expect to have alot of fun while in guild but expect that fun to come at your expense.
  5. We are a family. As such, we help each other out. We farm materials if you need to level your professions, we help you out if you are trying to get a specific item, we bring cauldrons, feasts, codex’s, etc. From the moment you join, expect us to treat you as your family would treat you.
  6. Which brings me to our final rule - If you sign up for something, we expect you to be there. We understand things come up and we know that real life is far more important that WoW, but we just ask that you give us a heads up if something is happening and you’re gonna be late or won’t be able to show up. We aren’t heartless, you know.

If you’ve made it through the rules for harmonious living in KotA, then you might have a place with us.

We are going to be raiding Normal raids, then switching over to Heroics, then onward to Mythic, every raid tier. Our raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday, 5-8 PST/8-11EST for our main raid and Saturday, 5-8 PST/8-11EST, for our second raid. For M+, our guild focuses on getting our guild members through KSM, and then pushing to see how high we can go. We currently have a team training to join the Mythic Dungeon Invitational in August/September to see how high they can do. Finally, for PvP, we do RBG’s every Monday, Arenas on Thursday, and our goal is between 1800-2100 every season. In fact, there are some that are shooting for 2400 this next season.

We are currently looking for a Vengeance Demon Hunter, an enhancement shaman, and a DPS death knight for our melee DPS. Additionally, we are looking for a boomkin for range DPS. Our guild boasts the best healing core on the server and many of our DPS are top 10 for their class/spec. So, if bullet points up above sounds good to you, hit me up. We always invite the person, not the class or spec.

If you are interested, reach out to me at my BNID - FallenAngel#1436

Hey! I will go ahead and leave our copy paste information below. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me over Discord at #Ochyro4197

Team Slippery When Wet is an Alliance raid team within the Currently Online Community! We are a one-night a week team focused on achieving AOTC and collecting sweet transmog every tier! Our community also hosts Normal Raids, M+ Tournaments, Giveaways and houses many other clans including Diablo 2+3, FFXIV, Minecraft, and Runescape! We are currently accepting all exceptional raiders, with a specific interest in mages and DKs!

Raid Times
Wednesdays 9:00pm- 12:00am CT (server)




Required Addons

  • DBM or Bigwigs
  • Method Raid Tools (Previously called Exorsus Raid Tools)
  • Details or Skada or Recount

General Expectations
Everyone will be responsible for:

  • Raid Attendance
  • Notifying leadership when you will be out (see attendance rules below)
  • Encounter preparation (look up the fights please)
  • Role preparation (do some research into your class, spec and rotation)
  • Be active within the CO Community

Attendance Rules
If you are unable to attend raid:

  1. You have up to 24 hours before raid to ping the @SWW Leader role and let us know you won’t be there.
  2. If you give no notice and just don’t show up for raid, you have 24 hours after the start of raid to message with an explanation. No explanation and you will be marked as ghosting the team.
  3. Ghost the team twice and you are automatically removed.

Hey Torrentime! Drunk n Disorderly [Zul’Jin] is looking for more raiders for the upcoming 9.2 content.

Who We Are: We are a guild comprised of all types of people with one common goal – to enjoy our time together. We believe WoW should be played for fun first and foremost, and prog should come second. We make it a priority to maintain a relaxed and chill atmosphere at raids, toxicity is strongly prohibited and we deal with it immediately. Large active community, with over 50+ raiders across multiple teams.

Raid Info: We are an AoTC focused guild, and have achieved it each tier since we’ve formed. While we do end up downing a couple Mythic bosses afterwards, our focus is truly on AoTC. We are currently recruiting for our Weekend Team (Fri/Sat), which runs from 8-11pm est.

What We Need: Any role will be considered, though would love a warlock, priest, enhance shaman. Currently full on tanks, though will consider any quality applicant.

Not a Raider? - No problem! We have many M+ groups running each day with a KSM focus.

Discord: JimmyJointz#3302
Bnet: JimmyJointz#1280

Hope to hear from you soon!


If Sunday/Monday 9p-11p EST work well for you. United We Loot’s AOTC teams is looking for more raiders. - We run an AOTC team in addition to our Mythic team.

Just looking for non-toxic players wanting to have fun and kill bosses together.

Feel free to drop me a message in-game or in discord: Deathfire#8715

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.

Hello Torrentime!

We are Munchma Quchi on Thrall (AOTC in CN and SoD), and I think we might be just what you’re looking for.

I don’t believe there’s anyone in our raid group under the age of 25, so we’re clearly an adult atmosphere. We all have lives, jobs and families and can’t no-life the game like we did back in the day, but we can still clear content and have a good time together.

We raid Tues/Weds nights at 9:30pm-11:30pm EST. Enchants, consumables and repairs are provided by us for our raiders. We ask that you bring a positive attitude, a good sense of humour, and the willingness to learn. We have dabbled in mythic, and have achieved AOTC in every tier since we began in Legion. We also do the Glory of the [Insert Tier Here] Raider achievements every tier.

We run keys daily, we like to PVP (RBG group is a possibility with enough interest), and some of us play other games outside of WoW (le gasp, I know). We have a Free Company on Crystal - Coeurl in FFXIV, and a bunch of us are CoD/Overwatch addicts.

We are small but active, and we have been consistently playing together as a group since Legion. I myself have been a raid leader since Molten Core was current content. We moved from Daggerspine to Thrall last spring, and we have found some really solid folks to join us thus far. We’d love to have even more while we finish off Shadowlands! We’re looking for people who vibe with our brand of weird, and we tend to keep people for the longhaul. Come for the content, stay for the friends.

If this sounds like the kind of environment for you, hit me up in-game (Annora#1484) or on discord (Annora#0420) for an invite.
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Thrall (US) - Guild Profile (
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Daggerspine (US) - Guild Profile (
(For historic purposes)

Hi Torrentime! My guild is recruiting for 9.2 and we think you would be a great fit!

Found a Green Quest - a US horde community on Zul’jin is now recruiting all classes & roles for 9.2 for raiding, questing Mythic Keystones & more. We’re planning to hit the ground running for AOTC when Sepulcher of The First Ones opens. If this sounds interesting to you, please feel free to reach out to me via Discord or in game only.
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395
In game: Kiuayoukai-Zul’jin

Greetings Torrentime!

We are in need of a mage. Check us out below:

WARCRAFT is a highly active Alliance raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

Guild established in March of 2015 and has achieved every AOTC since Highmaul.

Highest need: Tank, DPS (mage, lock), Healer with DPS OS

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable and exceptional players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. *We try to provide flasks, pots, gems, and enchants though guild members. If you need something, just ask!

We expect that raiders put gear up for roll if they do not need the item. We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We are primarily a raiding guild offering a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes “triggers” or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)

HI! we are a newly formed guild who are a band of raiders from various expansions who are joining up together. We are looking to make new friends and like minded players who believe you don’t have to be in a crazy serious guild to be competitive and achieve higher content. We are open to all sorts of players but are looking for people who want to put the work in, and together we will help get the gear and experience you want. We are currently looking for ranged DPS. We are open to all other exceptional players. We offer all materials and things needed for raid and repairs. Come check us out and see what we are about. Big group of friends who are looking for new friends that hopefully become old pals. Thanks and goodluck scouting!

Raid times Tuesday-Thursday 8:30EST-11:30EST


Balance Druid: High
Mage: High
DPS Warrior: Medium
MM or BM Hunter: Medium
1 Healer Any Spec: High

Feel free to reach out to me either on BNet: JPlocher#1794 or Discord: CardboardRectangles#4150

Heya Torrentime!

If Horde is something you are open to, my guild on Wyrmrest Accord is currently recruiting to go into Sepulcher! We’ve been around and hitting aotc since Legion and will continue to do so.

Our plan is to clear normal > clear heroic, and when we get heroic on farm, take some baby steps into mythic if we’ve got the people with the remaining time.

Raid Times are: Sat/Sun from 6-9p & 6-8p PST respectively
Dungeons & Drunks night: Friday from 6p PST to an indeterminate amount of time.

If you have any questions or are interested, feel free to send me a btag or discord request (SpaceCadet#11225 | Snow#0992)

Heya Torrentime! If you would consider Horde, we sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.


Mal’Ganis – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 4/11 Normal currently and pushing fast!

Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+, WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!