Returning Horde Rogue

Currently 440 rogue returning to the game, looking for a raiding guild. I stopped playing towards the middle of BoD, due to my work schedule limiting my ability to play at reasonable hours. I am now on a new schedule, and am looking to fully clear at least heroic, and push into mythic as well.

My neck is currently at 73, and I am grinding hard to get it to 75. My cloak is rank 7, and I have been farming M+ as much as I can to fill gaps to be ready.

My available hours are as follows, times are all listed in EST.

Sunday: 8am - 6pm
Monday: 4pm to 10:30pm
Tuesday: 4pm to 10:30pm
Wednesday: 4pm to 10:30pm
Thursday: 4pm to 10:30pm
Friday: 4pm to any
Saturday: any

Work schedule will still put a damper on my prime times to play, but I want to get back into the swing of things, being as I miss the game in general. I do like to push M+, so I am always down to run those once I get reestablished. I am currently on Turalyon, but I am willing to transfer if needed.

Logs (Old of course but somewhat relevant maybe?): Kaowin - Turalyon

Bnet - Weidendorf#1292
Discord - Weidendorf#9252

Hey there Kaowin and welcome back to the game! :slight_smile:
If you’e able to go 30 min later Tues/Thurs, we’re looking for a rogue for our progression team. We end at a firm 11 because of jobs/lives/etc.

</ Same Plan, Less Dying /> is recruiting for both our progression (mythic) and social progression (AotC) teams.

We pride ourselves in being different in that we are actually active, social and like each other - join our discord, try us!

Anywho! We’re a fun, social guild with Mythic and AotC focus that would love to add more solid people to our team. We are specifically looking for those who like progress without the elitist mentality. We’ve got players who have played together for years and will stay strong for plenty more. :grin:

What do we do??

Mythic Progression team runs Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST. (3/12H, 6/12norm Ny’alotha // 3/8M, 8/8H)
Social team runs Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST (7/12 normal Ny’alotha)
We also run Mythic Keys every day.
We run an active M+ community too. Guilded or not, you’re welcome to be added there. ^.^


Hello! Do you have any interest in faction/realm swapping?

We are looking for a strong rogue to have a set raiding spot with my guild No Place Like Gnome on Dalaran. We are an alliance guild.

We raid Fri/Sat 9pm to 12am EST. If you’re interested.

Hi! If you haven’t found a guild yet Epìtaph is currently recruiting for our raiding team and mythic plus runs!

We are on Draka/suramar and have a friendly bunch of players who enjoy seeing conent and pushing higher keys.

Raid wise, we are planning on pool pushing heroic and are looking for pretty much all roles as we have many members currently that are flexible. We raid Friday nights at 9pm est. We are tossing around another day to add to that possibly but for now just friday.

We run mythic dungeons daily and have a very active discord channel. Feel free to message me on battlenet at Alikona#11551 or discord Dem#5747 if you have any questions. <3

Illidan[H] REWIND


We are recruiting for core spot in mythic raiding. Currently 11/12N and 10/12H + 7/8M EP and 9/9M in BoD. Historically we were a 2 day guild and decided to move to 3 day guild starting in 8.3

Raid times

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7PM to 10PM EST (Need to be online 15 minutes before raid to do trash). After 2 month into the tier, we will drop to a 2 day schedule.

How to Apply

  • Apply here :

  • If you don’t put any effort in your app, probably shouldn’t app.

  • Don’t see your class or spec? No worries! Applications are always open, and every class, role, and spec is encouraged to app.


If you have any questions feel free to message any of the below (please note that adding someone doesn’t mean you won’t need to app :slight_smile:

Nietto : Mat#11420

Rawrlax : Snoarlax#1646.

Asagami : Sasha#12635

Lok’tar, friend! Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde is recruiting for 8.3. We raid progression Fri/Sat 7-10 central and have a casual run on Thursdays 7-10 central.

I just added you on bnet and disc.

Ember#1670 bnet
Ember#2528 disc

Hi Kaowin!

Found a Green Quest, now recruiting for 8.3, Shadowlands & beyond! Horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth. We care about our members, and want our members to succeed while still having fun!

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

Raid schedule: Friday/Saturday evenings 7:30pm EST start time. We’re starting with Normal, and our goal is to clear Heroic for our AoTC. We learn together as a raid team. We are looking for people who are helpful and will be patient.
In high demand:

Mythic Mondays!
Holiday Events!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

Heya Kaowin we are on Turalyon as well!
We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.



Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and 1 great healer (DPS OS would be a plus). We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 7/12 Ny’alotha normal (We get AOTC each tier)

Raid Times 2 days a week

Tuesday 8-11 PM EST

Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+ (10 and above), WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!