Returning Frost DK (186) LF Late-Night Raiding Guild

I’m a returning player from back in Wrath, I’ve been back in a couple of times but didn’t find much I wanted to stick to the game for. With the new expansion, however, I feel like the game is in a state that I’m actually interested in trying to gear up and get some real content done. My current work schedule confines me to late nights and weekends only, however I’m open to server changes and would like a progression-minded guild who wants to improve and get better at the game.

While I haven’t raided much since Wrath, I enjoy endgame content and am willing to put the time in to gear up if anyone interested would like to see some more of me. Feel free to send me a tell or reply here if interested. I currently am just sitting in a friends guild with some old bros who I’m running mythic keys with.

Reach out if this interests you. :slight_smile: <Grim Batol Surfers> 10/10 N 9/10 H CN