Returning disc priest lf guild

Hey, Fumio!

If you’re still looking for a guild, Reborn-Dalaran may be a decent fit for you. We’re 2/11 Heroic right now, and looking to build our raid team up some to make better progression into heroic. Our current priest is holy, so we’d love a disc as well-- I know one of my fellow hunters would love some tasty PIs.

We’re a laid back community, who likes to have fun and maintain a familial atmosphere. We have a history of AOTC and some mythic in every tier but SoD which saw FF14 take a big chunk of our raiders. We tend to make sure we get the mount meta achievement as well.

If you want my overly long spiel: [A] Reborn and [H] Calamitous Intent of Dalaran 11/11 H are recruiting M DPS and Flexers!

Or if you’d prefer to directly ask me questions my Bnet is: Nephilim#1432