Returning - CE Experienced player LF guild

Just like the title says, Im an experienced CE player returning from a break after Shadowlands. Experienced as a UH/Frost Dk, WW monk and Resto Shaman.

Having deep knowledge for multiple classes, I’m open to be flexible on whatever open dps and heal spot the guild needs the most.

Thanks in advance,

Discord: ibra_20


Check out my recruitment post here: [H] <HardcoreCasuals>-Shandris 8-11PM EST Tues/Wed LFM!

Discord: Arth#0814

Guild & Server: Intricacy-Tichondrius
Raid Times/Days: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 3:00 PM PST (california time)
Current Progression: 5/8M AVOTI 3/9M AATSC 6/9M AATDH
Recruitment Contact: discord: Loredon Btag: Loredon#1135
Requirements: Attendance for both raid days, Being Coachable, knowledge of your class and boss mechanics, RC Loot Council, Wowaudit , positive attitude
Needs: All Roles / Classes open for trial!

I shot you a friend request in Discord if you are interested.

Hi Ibrahimovic
BiOL is looking for more dedicated people. Not sure how hard core you are going in expan but we are a long time guild that enjoys raiding and downing bosses together as well as M+ teams. Check out our spammage and if we seem like a fit give us a poke or apply!
Good luck to ya regardless!

Hey I sent a discord request to. Looking forward to chatting!

Hey there!

I’m Nab from a mythic raiding guild for TWW. We’ve made significant progress in Season 3, and while we’re taking a laid-back approach for Season 4, we’re focused on rebuilding for the challenges of War Within. Our goal is to return stronger than ever and surpass our achievements from last season.

We’re seeking dependable raiders who can enjoy the journey, including the occasional wipe on bosses, while also being committed to learning from mistakes and supporting each other’s progress. If this sounds like the kind of environment you’d thrive in, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Disc: mooney4629
Btag: Mooney#12761
Application: MSG via Discord to apply

Team Onslaught (Mythic Prog/goal CE n mind Focused Group)
Tue/Wed 8-11pm est

Team Vendetta (AoTc/Mythic Casual Focused Group)
Fri/Sat 8:30-11:30pm est

Looking forward to hearing from you!