Retuning is neccesary

I agree that it can happen, all I’m saying is that you’re advocating for a state that never existed in vanilla.


You need to read what they actually said, not what you wish they had said.

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If 1.12 invalidated raiding so much, then why did so few people complete the raids in Vanilla even after that? If all you are worried about is the hardcore raiders, than sure, retune or whatever, but the vast majority does not fall into that category.

And , how long do you keep the tuning that way, 6 months? a year? Because making that permanent would not be Vanilla at all and a pretty major change.


create a psever vanilla but not a blizzard vanilla? so a vanilla+.

im glad that you people do not determine the actual state of a game that you have no interest in and thus, would remain unhappy no matter what they did.

Neither is having indefinite duration servers /time within which to progress your way to the food chain…funny I haven’t seen more than one or two other people on these forums against that.

And since we’re apparently resigned to have unlimited time within which to proceed, which in itself is a massive unqualified hand out to casual players who wouldn’t be otherwise able to progress it only makes sense to keep the originally intended difficulty levels intact permanently, to avoid doubling down on the gear handouts and keep epics rare and relatively prestigious.

You people asking for a version of vanilla where every semi conscious moron in questing greens can pug a molten core run because it’s massively under tuned in a 1.12, and then potentially come out the other side with a HWL ilvl comparable weapon are out of your minds if you can’t see the inherent problems that causes in both the short and long term for the games original reward structure. Especially when we’re quite likely already getting indefinite duration servers shoved down our throats.

You mean, in this hypothetical, a more accurate version of vanilla than blizzard is apparently creating? I don’t think that would at all be a bad thing, as it’d be a check on Blizzard from screwing this project up any more than they already have with their back porting from the modern client garbage. They’ll have a hell of a time getting people to pay for what essentially amounts to an inferior product.

you realise the things i listed were things included in blizzard vanilla right, going by the blizzcon panel, private servers will be more of an authentic experience than wow classic will be.

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If you think they were ever going to reset servers and force everyone to start over, you’re out of your damn mind. So I don’t even know what you’re arguing for Apocalypse. There is no world in which that would ever happen. It’s beyond ludicrous. If you can’t handle the fact players will have years, decades to do content…well, that’s your problem. Not the game’s.

they can open new servers and merge old ones

There’s also no example in the entire history of the game where you got 2+ years to clear current content without a reset caused by an expansion launch. You fail to grasp this basic fact out of your own casual bias and self interest.

It’s been a fundamental part the game for be entirety of the games history regardless of how you feel about it. Also God forbid you actually have to, you know, engage in the content you claim to think is all important as a casual. That really would be tragic, wouldn’t it.

Even private servers figured this lesson out, and realized the only way to prolong content and progression is by essentially creating “seasonal” servers where people constantly reroll to the “fresh”

They will likely have to, if only to filter out people like Mogar…


its not necessary at all, the early raids were not fun at launch either

is that so? do you mean like the hunter that i had a huge discussion with, to explain that vanilla did NOT have a pet auto assist and that we needed to make petattack macros but yet was 100% convinced that vanilla had it, simply because a psever had it? and i had to link him evidence of the fact that pet auto assist did not exist until BC?

lol if you say so.

These things were all in Blizzard vanilla, and so far they have not been confirmed to be in wow classic whilst they are present in private servers.

yes. 8 debuff limit was in the LAUNCH of vanilla. which is not what we are getting. we are getting 1.12, which had 16. and that is what we are getting. 16 to correspond with the data that is going live.

spell batching is not happening. thats not even something that needs to be debated.

in other words; thats like demanding for a classic car that isnt even in production anymore. not sure where you get the idea that ANY launch data, is still accessible. and they absolutely will not alter the 1.12 to suit people who could care less about it in the long run.

but spell batching is being debated and it does need to happen as far as I’m concerned.

if you were going to replay legion, would you prefer to have the crucible and artifact knowledge all unlocked from day 1? I can’t see how it would be more fun to not follow the original timeline and have the game play out over time like it did instead of having all the shortcuts implemented.


and what part does spell batching play, other than a player advantage that they would normally not have?

you are asking blizzard to alter 1.12 data, in the hopes that they will recreate spell batching, for no other reason than…for looks?

you can play all of that on most people but im not as oblivious.

check this out

SUre it is , because if an expansion never occured that is the state the game would still be in.

Against what? We talk about no changes but yet want to make Classic into something else, sure have the pre 1.12 tuning, but to make it permanent?

Ah there it is, you want to try and create a barrier so only those who are ‘worthy’ do the content,lol. But you fail since, if it was soooo easy, then why did so few complete or even attempt the content then?

You don’t tune it just for the hardcore.

Not at all, just like most things you grossly overestimate things, like I just stated above, it made little difference back then, the ones who are going to steamroll the content, the hardcore are the ones who will still do that, and not everyone is going to be hardcore.

… spell batching wasn’t taken out until WoD. So not having spell batching in, would be altering 1.12 for … what reason again?

I agree with ya on this one. I started playing a month after launch and the changes/content added up until 1.12 were just necessary. I’m looking to have the content back at my finger tips. I really don’t wanna start at 2004 1.1 and have them running updates to “fix” things when we already know the outcome.

Again, what you’re saying is completely ludicrous. There’s absolutely, positively, no way they would ever force players to delete their characters and start over. That’s…just nuts. Never going to happen. No logical person ever thought it would or should happen.

Classic will exist in perpetuity for as long as WoW exists. Players can take their time and clear Naxx 20 years after launch. That’s the reality. So, to repeat what I said: I have no idea what you’re arguing for. What do you want? Servers being automatically reset and characters wiped? That’s never going to happen. It goes against the very fundamental basic reason Classic is being created. And why do you want it? Because you lack the fortitude to just do it yourself, delete your own characters, and start over? You can’t accept that players are given years to complete content that you want to burn through?

Get over yourself.