Retribution paladin feels laxkluster

hi all

I joined beta on this past thursday to test out my favorite class.

my 1st impression is that the damage feels very low on both hero specs, more so on hammer spec

the spec also feels like it doesn’t flow well with resource management.

this is with the set gear and all haste accessories, weapons.

as. far as PVP, I feel much more squishy than retail.

I watched lyladens latest PVP video, and what really got me was when he dueled a warlock.

now in this duel, the warlock didn’t atk him at all, yet lyladens could at best get the warlock only down to

one half health, and again, mind you the lock was doing nothing., just standing there.

lyladens just gave up and moved on.

in contrast I made a ww monk, both specs

and my damage on the raid dummy is constantly 800k single target, of which 300k is from some passive damage in the ww tree where the tiger gets to randomly shred your target without being out.

thas 25% of my damage just doing nothing.

not to mention the 60000000 execute.

ya that’s right 6,000,0000 six million damage burst from death touch

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This would probably be better suited in the Feedback post for Paladins, so devs don’t have to hunt down random posts for player feedback.