Retail rogues versus classic

In classic this is true, but armor in retail almost doesn’t matter. You also have to keep in mind of how many different outplays you can pull in classic. Vanish pom sheep, vanish coil, vanish priest fear, vanish hoj ect ect. On top of that the reflector trinkets that fill cloaks role in a way.

In retail cloak is a vital spell that is needed due to how the game has evolved. I think prep would be fine. But only if it reset evasion, sprint, and vanish like it did in wod/mop.


No I didn’t get thistle tea seams strange I would need that for it to be play ‘correctly’. I got a rogue to low 20’s along with a few other toons. Rogue definitely felt smoother than the others but ultimately they all were very clunky, slow and limited.

Yeh a lot of spell choices but you only ever needed to use a few to play optimally, for pve at least.

You basically fight 1 or 2 enemies at your level at a time. Stealth was so slow it was useless, only for odd dungeon sap. Basically you keep slice and dice up and auto attack and pop evasion defensively. Everything was just incredibly slow and monotonous. Bar was filled with skills that went unused or highly situational.

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Yeah I started playing sub back in Cata, which was intensely fun but mostly limited to pvp because of how backstab worked.

From my understanding combat and assassination were still really mongo. Even brain dead in vanilla and TBC. Classes were not complicated back then.

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this game is an rpg. All your complaints about classic wow stems from anti-rpg bias.

they were more complex than current class design in bfa. This is a fact.

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Nothing wrong with the rpg aspects of classic wow story wise.

Gameplay combat wise was quite boring and restricting with an illusion of choice but very narrow parameters to work with.

What I wonder and would like to se at one point is which rogue wins vs the other point in time…and perhaps a mass re opening of previous spec …better is subjective and usually tied to enjoyment
classic rogue specs
Wotlk rogue specs
Siege rogue specs
Panda rogue specs
Cata rogue specs
Legion rogue specs
BFA rogue specs

Have drop down menus for era of spec to play

Open them all and let the players figure it out… Dont like Legion …use Classic. …dont like classic use BFA group

I think BFA Assassin would beat most previous and Combat in any in form would beat Outlaw

It’s funny to see ignorant retailers in this thread that are like “I played classic to level 20 and didn’t enjoy the class design”

Gee, you only learned 1/3 of your abilities and you found that playing 1/3 of a class wasn’t that exciting? What an amazing revelation lmao.


I think BFA Assassin would beat most previous

BFA Sin is a flat out worse version of Legion Sin, with Kingsbane and most artifact traits being removed (Poison Bomb became a talent instead)

Have to respectfully disagree

Artifact vs Azerite essences which are still scaling

Thistle tea is a rogue only consumable . It’s not required to play a rogue but it sure helps you when killing monsters.

I am going to have to disagree somewhat.

Because Assassination in BC still had a positional requirement for Mutilate. And all three Rogue specs had combo points on targets so you couldn’t really mongo a target as you had to think about switching by using combo points on SND.

It is actually easier to mongo and switch targets now.

In a pure case of Vanilla vs Retail I think its a case of content, and the requirements of said content.

In this, from a PvP standpoint, Rogue has lost quite the number of tools for the sake of separation within each spec, and the availability of combo points on each target that allowed sequential, surgical moves when needed.

While this was indeed a downgrade in PvP, aspects of the class have improved significantly for the instanced PvE aspect which has grown substantially, in comparison to the days of classic/vanilla as those needs have grown.

Needless to say, the requirements in PvP =/= to those in PvE.

As above, it is much easier for a PvE player to “mongo” their CPs, and focus on PvE mechanics which have advanced, in which the kit has mostly catered towards. The difficulty and requirements of instanced PvE can not be effectively compared between Retail and Classic as the content is so vastly different.

Yes, the retail iteration of the PvP Rogue can be improved upon, while in regards to PvE, I do think it is where it needs to be. To improve on the issue, I’d think that tools be reverted as spec wide, allowing balance and options in that regard.