Retail Playerbase is 70% Chinese According to Blizzard Employee

He says that team 2 generally feels the same way about the game that your average player does, which means they think that the portion of the playerbase that’s disillusioned with the game is a minority.

Actually no. You’re trying to tell yourself that it’s true. Believing since random on twitch because he siad so.

People on twitter say the Earth is flat. Some of them are fairly popular. do you believe them also?


There you are, doing it again.

I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong with Chinese people playing WoW, and I really can’t come up with anything.


And there you are deflecting. The circle continues.

By the way did you have a chance to read up on the code of conduct during your ban?

Right here:

Reading the thread before posting is always useful.

I did actually. Is there something that suggests I didn’t?

You are posting speculation. Not proof. The fact that every other AAA developer has moved to maus also states that microtransactions make them a lot more money. Games-as-a-service unfortunately is here to stay.


The people with money will be fine. The financial crisis for example. Those guys are doing fine.

And not being a dweeb is useful, too.

You’re making stuff up to try to justify your xenophobia. Get over yourself.


I state explicitly that those are just theories.

yea for sure

The amount of stupid in this thread is impressive even for GD standards.

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It’s pretty average.

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Either trolling or just being willfully ignorant. One way or the other incorrect.


I doubt the 70% chinese pay very much compared to what we pay.

However maybe thats the reason for the big focus on increasing micros through /timeplayed and super grinds. To get what they can outta chinese players.

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Your claim is 100% bollocks according to me.

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You do realize that when we wer ein wrath over 6.2 millions of the players were… chinese?
Literally half.

If anything it just means MMO market is less popular on the west, which overall MMO player number has been showing lately.


Was thinking just this. They’re angry we’re unhappy, but we’ve told them what makes us unhappy and they won’t address it. Are they like… immune to personal accountability or what?


They sound a little flakey. They KNOW the parts of the game WE dont like, but insist on putting the crap in there anyway for mindless busy work.
So we’re obviously gonna complain.


well gee now whose fault is that I wonder? you mean all the endless condescendence the smug attitude with stuff like “you think you do but you really don’t” and the total ignoring of the players feedback didn’t somehow magically make the game better?

who could’ve not seen this coming?

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Preface: I think Destiny is a douchebag and would say anything for views. That said:

Anonymous sources are now and have always been a thing. Naming your source gets them in serious legal trouble. Naming their department, level within the company, etc is how companies hunt down where leaks come from. People with anonymous sources want to protect those sources so they can keep getting information and therefore attention for spreading that information.