Retail is something

Because the end game is all that matters? And I dont really understand what you mean by “no classic player pass more than 2 hours raiding per week”.

Somehow I find more charm in the Classic classes. It feels like there are more RPG opportunities going for the older classes while in a game where it’s meant to be taken slow. Retails problem was in my opinion trying to implement Classics class design while trying to keep the speedy “gogogo” mentality of gameplay which just doesn’t work.

Personally I don’t feel there is much teamplay going on in Retails design.

You know in Dark Souls you can chose your difficulty, right?



“Hard” and “Jesus Christ why”

Yeah, that made absolutely no sense. His English is pretty bad. Hell, in Classic, you had to spend 5 hours a week just PREPARING for a raid by grinding mats and reagents.

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You’ve got these charming fellows for example.

It’s less about what’s needed and more about what’s desired.

Picking a race is a VERY easy way to improve your character’s performance. With Priests, you’re getting unique spells based on the race you pick, so above all other classes and specs, the race you pick as a Priest is important.

People think like me, i.e. they pick what is best, because they want to be better. There’s nothing wrong with that.

The thing is, what I described will happen, because the people who think like me tend to avoid the people who don’t, because the people who don’t are less concerned with their performance, and the group suffers for it.

The players who reject min/maxing tend to congregate with one another to avoid the min/max mentality they so desperately despise. If the argument is “you don’t need to be a Dwarf because you won’t be the only Priest,” then your argument might as well read “who cares? Let other people do it,” which is a disgusting mentality to have going into a raid.

Stop setting people up for failure. I swear posts like these are driven less by hopeful optimism and more by pure sadism. If I broke one of your legs and gave you a crutch could you still run a marathon? Sure. Don’t tell people moonkin is a good idea. Its not. Balance is good in pvp. Not moonkin. If you are 100% deadset on dpsing in raids don’t roll a druid.

This is “Retail thinking”

In Retail you can pick any spec and play it, because you enjoy it. Even the worst spec can work for pretty much any retail content.

You probably won’t be excluded from content in Retail due to your spec choice, because Blizzard has put a lot of effort over the years into making it so every spec is halfway decent at its role.

A lot of Classic aficionados don’t like this, because they feel it “dumbed down the game”. Maybe so… but Blizzard did succeed in making just about everything viable.

But Vanilla didn’t work like that.

… and neither will Classic.

In Vanilla the gap between the viable specs and the worthless ones was much, MUCH larger than it is today. There was also much less content to do and fewer avenues to do it.

Sure you can play a boomkin in Classic, “because you enjoy it.” But expect to very quickly hit a brick wall in how far you can go with it.

Raid groups probably won’t want you in their raid unless you go resto. And unlike Retail there won’t be cross-realm raiding or raid finder. You may simply find yourself unable to do any raid content… and the same might apply for PVP.

Result: you just spent 2 months leveling to 60 as a boomkin and another 2 months gathering dungeon gear … and now you’re done. Your boomkin can progress no further… unless you swap to resto spec!

Do you really want to spend months and hundreds of hours of gameplay it takes to get to that point only to find you can progress no further unless you swap to resto?

If you want to be a DPS caster in Classic, a wiser option would be to roll a mage or warlock. Those classes DO get raiding slots and are never called on to heal.

Bottom Line:

  • Want to play bad specs? - there’s a game for you. It’s called Retail.
  • Want to play the “right spec” ? - Welcome to Classic!

If you were recruited into the raid for a DPS slot, a ret paladin stepping up to heal is being flexible and working for the good of the guild.

But if you were recruited into the raid specifically for a HEALING slot, a ret paladin trying to pretend to be a healer is dead weight. You’re not going to pull your weight on the healing meter compared to players who have specced for optimal healing capability.

You might be ok with a crappy spec for MC and maybe BWL. But when progression slows in the later raids, the leads are going to be looking for anything than can do to improve everyone’s performance so you don’t wipe as much. One of the most obvious things will be requiring anyone playing the wrong spec to switch, or kicking them from the raid.

Nobody likes wiping on a boss fight 200 times just because Joe Idiot insists on trying to fill a healer slot in moonkin spec.

When you are raiding, you are playing a druid. That means your ideal role is healing or off-tanking. You can do both with the same spec, if you want.

If you want to dps in raids, you have to go into hardcore tryhard mode to be competitive. You’re not going to do that because, if you were that type of person, you would have already researched it :stuck_out_tongue:

Druids are very useful and valuable to guilds, but you have to be willing to heal in raids if they ask you. Otherwise you are just a bad rogue on dps and an average dps warrior for tanking.


Yall cant win this fight, hes playing classic, he has unlimited time to type during his rotation of autoattacking till he has the resources to use an ability again


Yea you don’t play classic that why you’re talking about raid so basically you don’t know what youre talking about. You basically comparing orange with potato.

Raiding take 1 % of your time in classic and it’s like lottery once a week. I don’t care about raiding. 99 % of my time i farm GOLD. profesion getting pre raid biss .


Classic is about passion because thing matter nothing matter on retail.

Classic is not an action game.

Correct, not much action at all going on in classic

by the way rotation class design was much much much much better in WOD. WHY THE HELL YOU WOULD REMOVE SPELL HELLO ARE WE DEVOLVING ?

Exactly. You’re joking, but you’re correct.

I dont think a gold farmer should be telling me I dont know what im talking about when it comes to raiding…

Thanks for sharing.

Well you wanna raid 40 hours a week your playing the right game i guess.

i raid molten core and do onyxia it take about 3 hours to form group then it get clear in 1hours in a half. That it! It’s done now am farming gold and killing ally who killed me when i was lvling

Imagine having content so dull that you consider it a “feature” that you can get it over with quickly so you can get on with your business of farming gold and ganking lowbies for the remainder of the week. I can’t imagine this is anything more than a clever troll but with the quality of the English, who can say?


So you get it now they are different game and we should have different subscription.

You can do exactly the same on retail though lmao

What would the point of that be? You’re paying the same company the same fee. Like I can’t even begin to understand what you’re on about

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The hell your talking about with your mass mix server you never see the same enemy again and profession are useless gold is useless. YOU CANNOT I WISH BUT YOU CAN’T