Ret pally lf guild!

Hello! I am a returning Ret paladin player, who also mains Fury Warrior (Will be focusing on Ret only due to the rework!) looking for an AOTC / Mythic prog guild, who also has a strong M+ presence in higher keys (20s). Semi-hardcore I have really moved around looking for a final guild to call home. Somewhere where I can really let loose, clear content, and enjoy good company throughout all forms of content. I am a returning player, as stated, and have only gotten my Ret Paladin to 70 this past Tuesday the 7th, but have already cleared both Normal and Heroic (Except Raz) with 90+ parses for most fights for the Ilvl, now sitting at 391. and just think that will only get better once this rework comes around!

Discord ThiccJuggernaut#1150
Bnet ThiccJuggs#1140

Bumping during server downtime =) hope everyone has good vaults!

Throwing a bump for this guy!

Hi Juggernaúght,

My guild is recruiting, main goal this season is ATOC and some mythic progression. We raid on Tuesday and Thursday night 8-11pm EST, On off nights we run M+s most members end up wit KSM by the end of the season. We are based on Bleeding Hollow. If interested please reply.

Durican#5417 on Discord

Hi! I’m the recruiting officer for Valos Cor, a Horde casual Mythic raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow AotC, 2/8M, raid twice/week, Tues and Thurs, from 8:30-11:30 pm (eastern time). We’re recruiting a dps, ideally monk but we’re flexible.

Feel free to reach out to me (Wrathblood#1742 on bnet or Wrath#3004 on Discord) or Novasolan (our RL, Novasolan#9219 on Discord). We’d love to chat about what you’re looking for in a guild. Thanks!

Meow Meow Kitties on Area 52 is needing dps to get a few more mythic bosses down. We are currently 2/8M.

We have several players doing 20’s each week. Check us out on

Raid times are 730-10pm eastern. We welcome cross realm and faction players to try us out!

Contact me on discord at Nat#2906