Ret pally LF Aotc guild

Guild i was running with took a break after hitting aotc last tier. So i took as break as well, Looking for a guild to run keys with and raid mostly aotc with some light mythic not super concerned with getting CE. Not looking to raid weekends other than that im free .Currently play Pally/DH can dps or tank on them. My bnet is dead#1849 My discord is rhage.

still looking

Hi! Weekend warriors might be a great fit for you!

Sup dude!

I added you on bnet and discord but I figured I’d drop our spiel here :slight_smile:

We’re actually looking for people for our core Heroic raiding group. Here’s some info about us:

About us

We’re a US - Alliance/Horde guild on Sargeras built from a core group of raiders who have been playing the game together for a long time!
We are from all walks of life and are accepting of anyone and everyone who’s interested in playing with us :slightly_smiling_face:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 - 11pm EST. We’re starting with going for AOTC then afterward might go after Mythic, but it depends on what people want to do.
We’ve achieved AOTC every patch and plan on continuing to do so!

Mythic +
We run keys frequently and have players who reach KSM & KSH regularly.
We have players regularly running M+ pretty much nightly

We have players that dabble in PvP and some that are pretty hardcore, its quite a mix lol

We have a ton of fun raiding and we’re serious when we need to be. Basically we just want to game with as many new friends as we can while still progressing our characters.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me at:
BattleNet: MacNally#1856
Discord: BaronBrocket

Hey Rhage,

Squirt on Area-52 is 4/9 Heroic and looking for a Ret Paladin for our core.

We raid 8-11pm EST Friday and Saturday.

Add us to bnet so we can chat; saeilfa#1679, bantou#1403, leha#11627.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

looking still


I don’t know if you are still looking but if you are check us out!

Looking still