I play on PvP server and I’m a big fan of it but since the PvP ranks and BGs are not available yet, raid will be the main destination to get your gears.
I just don’t have too much expectation for the current player-base. Most won’t PvP consistently if there’s no reward for it.
guild name checks out
So you have to play like a warrior now, lol ya it hurts no magic damage no armor pen
Seals should definitely be immune to dispells. But on the flip side, Shaman’s imbuements shouldn’t be counted as ‘on the weapon’; still make them appear there, but you don’t lose the effect if disarmed. - You don’t lose a Seal’s ability if you’re disarmed.
Mages, Locks, and Priests should get a barrier Ring Rune that makes it so their Armor buff now creates a barrier equal to a percentage of their max mana but when shattered gives them a “Forberance-like” debuff preventing them from reapplying their Armor.
Note: This would also make Priests’ Inner Fire no longer have charges and have the same duration as the Armor buffs from other cloths; I think it’s like 10min in Vanilla, and later buffed to 30 minutes in like TBC, along with the charges being removed.
The overall goal would be to give them the “effective armor” rating of a Mail or Plate wearer for a short duration.
Because the whole “well you’re range that’s why you’re a glass-canon” goes out the window when you factor in Hunters with Kill Shot are probably going to specced as a ranged DPS…they don’t need to ‘get close’.
Shockadin is already being nerfed by blizz in a different way. They decided to just not make new gear for them for aq lol.