Ret paladins should get an ability like spell reflection but for purge only

i just work with what you give me fatty

It’s so popular blizzard infrastructure was able to condense everyone into 1 pvp realm 1 pve realm on launch with no queues/isssues. Compare that to 2019 classic, night and day popularity wise.

Dude is trolling best to ignore em

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with multiple layers - conveniently left that part out eh?
how many active layers are there on the SoD servers?

There were layers in 2019, tbc and more megaservers in wotlk. Were you on retail the entire time?

nice dodging the question
answer: hardly any because SoD is dead. more active layers on fresh. hell, i’d be willing to bet era has more players than SoD haha

It’s like you’ve never played a fresh launch before they all start the same.

2019 classic didn’t start with layers, it was added later
you’d know if you played it

Too bad it did, you make it seem like it’s some new phenomenon when it’s been in place for classics entirety. Enjoy fresh, leveling can be fun with a busy open world, it’s the early endgame where the lights begin to shut off. Deeply disturbing a freshy classic shill derailed an honest thread, go purchase dual spec or something :wink:

it’s been a pleasure

5 Layers on Nightslayer right now on a Saturday night during the Leveling/MC phase, traditionally the most popular phase in classic.

3 Layers on Crusader Strike right now, 4 yesterday.

Yeah man Fresh Classic totally saving WoW and bringing it back to its 2004-2010 glory days.

damn, SoD is that dead? i thought it was the thing everyone wanted?
imagine getting outshined by plain ol’ boring 'nilla. big yikes

You understand that SoD and vanilla has the same player base ?
A lot of players juggle with both.

I know more who ditched sod entirely to start up on fresh
much to the dismay of their fellow guildies (who, big surprise, exclusively play hybrids) who want to just main sod
oh well!

It’s not the general consensus though.
Most who play SoD got used to the many class and QoL improvements they made.
SoD may have been over the top in terms of power creep but going back to such an imbalanced and limited PvE meta where war/rogue/mage will represent 80% of the population isn’t the majority’s dream.

Not even talking about the gruesome leveling that we all did 20 times over. I got to level 35 on my ERA char before realising I don’t want to spend another 50 hour spamming the same 2 buttons.
Rolling an alt after that on SoD is just the best feeling ever.


there’s more to the game than the supposed “limited pve meta” despite every class being viable and having a place.
you’re in the minority here. factually. there’s less people playing SoD. but you’re free to disagree :slight_smile:

Well, every class has a place because they all bring different buffs that serve the main 3 ones, that’s why most of them have only 1 spot per raid. I’m not sure I’d call that ‘viable’.

Now, it’s normal to have a big surge of players jumping onto the latest content.
The fresh server opened a few days before SoD P6 started so most SoD players gave it a shot.
Check again in a couple of weeks when raid logs will be available because you talk about fact without having numbers, which doesn’t really make sense.
Also there’s a decent chunk of players currently leveling on ERA that are only interested in TBC next year.
I’m not saying ERA is dead or anything, it certainly has it’s player-base but so does SoD and neither has to be jealous of the other.

And it doesn’t matter to me if a game is booming or not as long as it feels alive. It’s the case for SoD currently.
In the meantime I’ve waited 20 to 30 minutes without finding a group for SM last week with my mage (a highly sought after class though) so I’m not sure ERA is doing that well but I’ll wait for the raid log numbers in the next few weeks.

EDIT: Back to the main topic, make seals undispellable plz !

are you talking about TBC here? because in vanilla the only class that you might see only 1 of is Druid. and again, this is just in PvE, an incredibly narrow activity that isn’t the be all and end all of the game.
you, like every other soddy seem hyperfixated on raid logs from a third party website. your class as a whole just isn’t “viable” unless it competes with whatever other color class. go play it and help keep the dead servers afloat for the rest of your ilk

Whelp, seems like I hit a nerve. I guess you’re right, every class is viable when it comes to picking herbs and mine ores.
You’re obviously enjoying that fresh so much that you prefer to spend your time on the forums of a game you’re not even playing and trash talk everyone for no reason at all.

You’re the very picture of an enthusiast player happy about his new fresh server lol.

the only activity besides raiding for 3 hours a week is picking herbs and mining ore nodes?
lel tell me you play on a pve server without telling me
sod is perfect for you if raidlogging is your thing, because the world is entirely dead outside of it