And yet if we did that the hardcore guilds would push druids as main tanks for their large threat generation. Not saying it’s a bad thing, but just saying you can go around it.
I personally would love to see some more bear-tanks in the mix due to using pre-buff threat, i mean yes some hardcore guilds may start pumping them out to maximise threat, but by in large warriors would still be the go to purely due to the fact they are easier to tank with, it would ultimately result in a more diverse playerbase and spec usage which is definitely a good thing
I completely agree but the issue lies with the top of the food chain. These are the people who have figured out every single way to get every single %age out of everything in their mad run straight to rank 1.
I think the meta will have some impact on the lower ranked guilds but I can easily see the bulk of most raiding guilds recruiting and maintaining a diverse roster.I look at some of the guild rosters from PS guilds and just shake my head, How do they gear up 8+ rogues,mages and warriors? How much of the gear is going to shard/offspec?
My ideal roster is alot more realistic yet still maintains the classes required to go from Lucifron to Kel’thuzad.
there arent any class requirements though thats the entire point, and there arent any unachievable dps or gear requirements which any class in any spec couldnt achieve… i mean you could seriously take a smite priest in the right gear and still down patchwork, not even exaggerating.
Edit: obviously other then the requirements of cc and tranq for relevant fights
Smite priests are strong especially with a paladin. Hell you could down him with all the dps being Starshards spamming priests. in the right gear and buffed up. In fact if your tanks were bears they would probably be doing as much or more dps…
the raid he’s talking about at about the 1:31:07 time stamp you dropped on was… Gruul’s Lair. T4 content? Warlock tanked the warlock boss with felhunter.
They were talking about 5 man content. Staysafe had mentioned that he stacked stamina in TBC to tank 5 mans. At the mark, he asked for clarification on voidwalker tanking 5 mans in vanilla.
This was true. However, in response to that specific statement he said “Oh yeah, actually warlocks did tank one boss in raids but I forgot what it was…”
Which was the 1st fight of the Gruul’s lair dungeon.
Balanced to what criteria? Perfectly? Never. Good enough to virtually eliminate any negative stigma towards a class performing all roles it was capable of performing? WOTLK onward, with late WOTLK and late legion being the best examples of balance. WOTLK being the best because it still had all the flavor of vanilla as far as actual abilities and gameplay feel.
May be they just weren’t fun anymore? A lot of the draw for rogue was you stealth in to assassinate the target in different ways. By Wrath you had them kill targets in the same way. DPS with a little pressure burst maybe from stealth but mainly just control the target until dead. Definitely felt more monotone compared to when I played my rogue in vanilla.